Sustainability in Connecticut Produces Statewide Success and Savings.
By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Sustainability in Connecticut Produces Statewide Success and Savings.Feb 9th, 2018.Sustainability in Connecticut shows statewide savings at the first annual Connecticut Regional Conference for Sustainable Development (RCSD) held on February 7, 2018 at Grace Farms, New Canaan, Ct.The all-day sold-out event had multiple presentations showing how government, businesses, municipalities and homeowner have saved huge amounts of money through sustainable projects, technologies and programs throughout Connecticut.The morning session was made up of keynote speakers and panel discussions that covered a wide range of sustainability topics from global and national programs to local town initiatives and business involvement which included: - Global Perspective on Sustainability from David Downie, Ph...