Afro-Americans in the Union Navy Featured in Talk at Historical Society
By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
Join historian Peter Dalleo, Ph. D. at 7 P.M. on January 10 for an illustrated exploration of Civil War sailors of African descent who served aboard Union Navy tugs, sloops, and gunboats. At least 348 African-American Delawareans from the state's three counties served on U.S. naval vessels, some of which were built in the First State. Hear the stories of Delawareans who assisted the Union Army on inland waters, captured blockade runners from the Bahamas, and chased Confederate raiders at sea. These sailors also assisted formerly enslaved "contrabands" freed or self-emancipated during the Union's military engagements in the Confederacy. After the war, follow the civilian careers of former mariners such as Moses America, Peter Blake and Elzy Russ, and the continued fight to achieve eco...