
Wilmington, DE Real Estate News

By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
I visited Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania late afternoon the other day and got to see the conservatory and to join the crowd in the ballroom to sing Christmas Carols along with the famous organ. The organ is comprised of 10,010 pipes divided into 146 ranks, making it one of the largest Aeolian organs ever constructed.  We also visited the "organ museum" to see 5 of the 9 chambers, which are behind glass. In the growing area at the end of the East Conservatory, we saw this lovely poinsettia called "Luv U Pink."              On another side of the E. Conservatory, the rose area was spangled by Moravian Stars hanging above.  Amongst the roses, this beautiful hibiscus was a striking sight.       We ended our visit as the lights came on outiside while Christmas music played ...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
U. S. Botanic Garden’s “Season’s Greenings” Features Trains, D.C. Landmarks Made of Natural Materials, and Christmas Trees A visit last week to the United States Botanic Garden conservatory right below the Capitol Building was a delightful holiday experience. I wondered why we were going in the entrance marked “Trains.” But then it became obvious--there were 800 feet of Garden Railway tracks running through the exhibit created by Paul Busse and his firm, Applied Imagination of Alexandria, Kentucky.       The Capitol dome is made out of dried plant materials which took more than 600 hours to turn into the finished product. And below are the homes of Presidents Adams, Jefferson, and Clinton. The conservatory was studded with fantastical creations (all of natural materials) like spiders, l...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
If you have hesitated about getting your EZ Pass because of the $25 initial fee plus the escrow of $25 for a Delaware EZ Pass transponder, the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has a great Christmas present idea for people who want to zip through the toll lanes anywhere on this map.  Until December 31, 2011, you can get one for free!  What a great idea for a Christmas present for a family member whose car does not have one of these devices.  There is a special plan for anyone who uses Route 1 more than 30 times a month,--- a discounted price is available.  You can sign up online at And if you get hung up with all the info needed to do this online, there are some lovely people at  888-EZPassDE(888-397-2773). I just spoke to one, an...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
The market report for New Castle County, Delaware for November 2011 is in, and as you can see, there is good news and bad news.  Not as many people are trying to sell their homes, but of the ones who do, they have brought their asking prices down, therefore driving buyers to make successful offers. So there are about 25% more closed and pending sales than last year, but prices are down 13%.  This dive in prices is being driven by foreclosures and bank sales, which influence appraisers who are trying to determine values. Sellers are holding on to their houses either because they are under water in their mortgage, or hoping to wait out the economy. I don't have a crystal ball, so this could be the new "normal".   If you are thinking of buying or selling an older home in the Wilmington, D...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
  South Graylyn Crest is getting closer to having its sewers rehabbed with liners or injection grouted joints. Tree roots were eating into and clogging the County sewers--I have personal experience with this problem because even though I have a PVC line to the street, my maple tree roots were getting into the line where it meets the clay County lines. The good news today was that Raul Lopez and Rob Scheeler are spending weeks at a time away from home in Milwaukee doing a final clean-out--getting all the roots cleared for one last time and using cameras and a computer gadget that measures the lateral running from the street to the house (which was the owners’ responsibility up to now). Then, after Christmas, and a few days back home in Milwaukee (so Rob can see his 2 month old baby), the...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
Walter Isaacson, in his biography of Steve Jobs, holds that Jobs’ acute aesthetic perception was catalyzed by his childhood home---a Joseph Eichler-built house, whose standardized, yet expressive design would influence the simplicity and elegance of Apple’s products. Between 1950 and 1974, Joseph Eichler's development company, Eichler Homes, built over 11,000 homes in nine communities in  Northern California. Eichler, unlike most builders at the time, established a non-discrimination policy and offered homes for sale to anyone of any religion or race. In 1958, he resigned from the  National Association of Home Builders when they refused to support a non-discrimination policy.Joseph Eichler used well-known architects to design both the site plans and the homes themselves. He hired the re...
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By Delaware Junk Removal Residential And Commercial Hauling Clean Outs, Whole House Clean Outs, Basements, Garages, Attics
(Delaware Junk Removal 302-530-9186)
Open House Sunday 1-3 Nov. 27th For Directions and more information call Larry Hultberg 302-530-9186 Just off Rt. 7 and Kirkwood Hwy HUGE YARD Overview Maps Photos Features $185,000 Single Family Home Main Features 3 Bedrooms1 Bathroom Location 4514 Sharon DriveWilmington, DE 19808USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Larry Hultberg Realty Mark First State(302) 530-9186NewarkdeRealtor@gmail.com Listed by: Realty Mark First State Our recent listings Back Creek Ranch HomeShows like a model home LOW Down paymentJust off Rt. 7 and Kirkwood Hwy HUGE YARDGreat Value In Newark DelawareSolid Brick Ranch Home Garage Subscribe to our listing feed Nearby properties for sale Open House Sunday 1-3 Qualifi...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
This is it for me, farewell cruel FACEBOBOOK. Facebook has announced how they track people as follows: •The company compiles tracking data in different ways for members who have signed in and are using their accounts, for members who are logged-off and for non-members. The tracking process begins when you initially visit a page. If you choose to sign up for a new account, Facebook inserts two different types of tracking cookies in your browser, a "session cookie" and a "browser cookie." If you choose not to become a member, and move on, you only get the browser cookie.•From this point on, each time you visit a third-party webpage that has a Facebook Like button, or other Facebook plug-in, the plug-in works in conjunction with the cookie to alert Facebook of the date, time ...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
Albuquerque Turkey (sung to the tune of "Clementine") Albuquerque is a turkeyAnd he's feathered and he's fineAnd he wobbles and he gobblesand he's absolutely mine.He's the best pet that you can get..Better than a dog or cat.He's my Albuquerque turkeyAnd I'm awfully proud of that.He once told me , very franklyhe preferred to be my pet,not the main course at my dinner,and I told him not to fret.And my Albuquerque turkeyis so happy in his bed,'Cause for our Thanksgiving dinner...We had egg foo yong instead.   (Thanks to the website for Concordia University in Portland OR)
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By Jennie Norris, Denver Regions Premier Home Staging Resource,
(Sensational Home Staging)
The Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) Course from ( - the industry leader in Home Staging Training - is coming to WILMINGTON, DELAWARE - DEC 5-7, 2011.     This class is being offered for both Realtors and Home Stagers that would like to earn both a professional Accreditation and Designation for Home Staging.  An ACCREDITATION is the highest form of Training in the Staging industry! Realtors attend the first 2 days and learn about Home Staging as a listing and marketing tool, as well as things they can do to help their own clients prepare their houses for sale.  They become members of the International Association of Home Staging Professioanls (IAHSP) - the only professional association that serves only Home Stagers and the Home Staging industry, ...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
          Last night at the Historical Society of Delaware, we were entertained by a program which showed how women in the 18th Century achieved their high fashion looks. Betsy Martino, of New Castle, Delaware,  who has made a career out of supplying 18th C. clothing for men and women, explained the whys and wherefores of the upper class woman's dress.(See her website at She explained how, to catch the male eye, women padded their hips and/or derrieres underneath their voluminous skirts. Betsy herself represented a servant helping her mistress get dressed.       The second half of the program was presented by Thomas Tier, also of New Castle, Delaware,  who presented 3 models who showed how late 19th C ladies dressed. Striped stockings were in style, along with...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
  Year-to-date (October 2011), close to one in four listings in New Castle County closed as a  short sale or bank-owned property; and one in three in Kent County. Here is the latest information on active short sale and bank owned properties in New Castle and Kent Counties, Delaware.       These are properties that are affecting the value of every property in the area.  We can't ignore the fact that appraisers are using these closed properties along with non-troubled properties every time they determine the value of a property and report back to lenders, who buyers are hoping will lend them money to purchase a property.  As Realtors, we have a duty not to give prospective sellers a rosy price prediction when it is not warranted. Being realistic with prices will help accomplish what selle...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
  Word has just come that the deadline for applying for an historic home grant from the Delaware Preservation fund is December 9, 2011.       Eligibilty criteria Projects are selected for their ability to make a big difference for the small investment offered. The Fund wants to see its money make a significant difference on its own. Generally the total cost of the project, or the component, should not exceed $10,000. For larger projects the value of the grant would be too diluted.   Guidelines are set forth on Preservation Delaware's website If you have any questions, please contact Vince Murphy at, or call him at 443-504-2049 Pictured above is an 18th C Delaware home which has received funding in th...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
       Located on the Brandywine Creek in Brandywine Park in the city of Wilmington, Delaware, the Brandywine Zoo is a great place to take the kids. They have a new tiger, who I saw last month strutting around his pond and showing off. Hours and map And for an amusing look at the zoo, City communications guy Rich Neuman did this video as part of a series seen on local TV a few years ago.  
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By Dave Iliff, Real Estate Agent in Hockessin, DE
(Patterson Schwartz)
Wilmington, DE Real Estate Sales Wow! I have some exiting news to share in Wilmington, DE real estate sales! This beautifully upgraded colonial in Wilmington, DE's Blue Rock Manor sold in just 1 day! We were able to get it sold so quickly due to finding the right buyer/agent through technology and internet marketing. In addition, the home was well priced and in great condition.    The median sales price for homes in Wilmington, DE rose by 12.8% last quarter, which is encouraging news for Wilmington home sellers.  While the real estate market in Wilmington has been improving, rarely does a home sell this fast. The 2011 average days on market for homes in the Blue Rock Manor community of Wilmington, DE is 118 days. This home sold in 1 day. Selectng an agent who utilizes multiple forms of ...
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By John & Mary Luca, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland - Residential Far
( BHHS Fox & Roach: Broker 302-999-9999 John: 302-999-6966 John's Cell: 302-740-5872)
Brandywine Hunt Wilmington Delaware 19810 Real Estate Homes for Sale View ALL BRANDYWINE HUNT Wilmington Delaware 19810 homes for sale here… North_Wilmington Townhomes    North_Wilmington_Single_Family_Homes    North_Wilmington_Condos     North_Wilmington_Bank_Owned_Homes     North_Wilmington_Short_Sale_Homes    North_Wilmington_Active_Adult_55_Plus
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
Many labyrinths set in floors or on the ground are large enough that the path to the center and back can be walked. They have historically been used both in group ritual and for private meditation.  The labyrinth in the Sculpture Garden at the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington was created inside an old reservoir on the grounds. When I visited the grounds on Halloween weekend, the shadows of the trees seemed to be creating a sort of ancient astronomical indicator pattern on the stones, with fallen leaves partially hiding the stones which form the pattern in the labyrinth.
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
Yesterday's Annual Halloween Parade in Chatham Park was co-sponsored by the Civic Associations of the adjoining communities of  Chatham and South Graylyn Crest. (Although these communities have a postmark of Wilmington, Delaware, they are located in New Castle County.)  I counted about 50 contestants, and ended up being one of the 3 judges, which gave me  a good look at all the great costumes.     As you can see from the 2 pictures above, the event was well organized by Melissa Panek of Chatham (with megaphone).   The youngest contestant was a 6 WEEK old snowman, joined by a cute pink bug and the Angry Bird (the bird won the 2 and under group). These last 2 kids showed that they loved the spotlight by taking every opportunity to silently parade before the judges. Real star power!       ...
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By Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS
(Independent architectural histor'n)
     A surprise snowstorm brought less than an inch to Delaware last night, but it didn't scare this Gerber Daisy!  She washed her face with melted snow and held still until the sun melted the ice off her dress.  Since the temperature did not dip below freezing, or at least did not do so for an extended period, these gals are still holding court over the garden, albeit a bit icily.
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