
Destin, FL Real Estate News

By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
I helped find this great home for a great family. I could help you do the same.Detached Single FamilyClick photo to enlarge or view multi-photos.MLS#:419049m OfficeFile#: ListPrice:$649,900Status:Sold Last Change: 6/6/2007ApproxSF:3,389 BG:Address:310 TEQUESTA DR $/Sqft:$140.16DESTIN, FLBedrooms:3Zip:32541Baths Full/Half:3/0County:OKALOOSAStories:2MainArea:14 DestinYearBuilt:2004SubArea:02 E DESTIN NO OF 98OccStat:VacantSubdiv:EMERALD LAKES PH 3ImmOcc?ParcelID:00-2S-22-0981-0000-0250ConstrStat:ConstrCmpltElemSch: DESTIN Middle: DESTIN High: FORT WALTON BEACHDir:Take Hwy 98 to Emerald Lakes Legal:EMERALD LAKES PHIII LOT 25From the moment you enter into the driveway, the details will take your breath away! The antique fountain invites you through the mahogany entry doors of this true stuc...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
The City Council is reviewing the updates to the City's Impact Fees applied to new development applications. Included in the review process is consideration of Linkage Fees to help fund attainable workforce housing. These fees would apply principally to new commercial and lodging construction with funds applied to offset the cost of housing for Destin wokers who desire to live in this community. You can go to the below link and click on Daft Ordinance: pg 30 will give you an overview of the drastic changes on the proposed Impacts. Florida Real Estate with Brandon Jordan, your Northwest Florida Realtor and ActiveRain featured Realtor for Okaloosa County since 2007. We provide this information and much more on our sit...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
 7(2) By such other appropriate method as the City Council may haveaccepted prior to the effective date of this article for particular park capitalimprovements, or(3) By fair market value established by private appraisers acceptable to thecity.Credit for the dedication of park land shall be provided when the property has beenconveyed at no charge to, and accepted by, the city in a manner satisfactory to theCity Council.(b) Applicants for credit for construction of park capital improvements shall submitacceptable engineering drawings and specifications, and construction cost estimatesto the city manager. The city manager shall determine credit for construction basedupon either these cost estimates or upon alternative engineering criteria andconstruction cost estimates if the city manager...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
  6Monies, including any accrued interest, not assigned in any fiscal period shall be retained in the samepark impact fee trust fund until the next fiscal period, except as provided by section 19.01.10.E. Funds may be used to provide refunds as described in section Refund of fees paid.A. Any funds not expended or encumbered by the end of the calendar quarter immediatelyfollowing six years from the date the park impact fees was paid shall, upon application of the thencurrent landowner, be returned to such landowner with interest at the rate of four percent perannum, provided that the landowner submits an application for a refund to the city manager within180 days of the expiration of the six-year period.19.01.11. Exemptions and credits.A. Any claim of exemption must be...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
   may adjust the fee to that appropriate to the particular development. The adjustment may include acredit against the fee otherwise payable up to 50 percent for private recreational facilities constructedor deed restricted or otherwise set aside for recreational purposes by the feepayer which serve thesame purposes and functions as set forth for public parks in the City of Destin Comprehensive Plan.Determinations made by the city manager pursuant to this paragraph may be appealed to the CityCouncil by filing a written request with the city manager within ten days of the city manager'sdetermination. Failure to file an appeal shall constitute a waiver of the feepayer's right to challengethe city manager's determination regarding a feepayer's independent impact fee calculation study.19.0...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
  "OLD" FEE SCHEDULELAND USE TYPE (PER/UNIT) FEEResidential unit type:Single-family detached $159.99Multi-family 113.03Resort residential unit 113.03Hotel/motel 50.46All other 159.99"NEW" FEE SCHEDULELAND USE TYPE (PER/UNIT) FEEResidential, less than 500 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $908Residential, 500 - 749 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $1,144Residential, 750 - 999 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $1,359Residential, 1,000 - 1,499 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $1,634Residential, 1,500 - 1,999 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $1,944Residential, 2,000 - 2,999 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $2,338Residential, 3,000 - 3,999 sq. ft., per dwelling unit $2,780Residential, 4,000 sq. ft or more, per dwelling unit $3,165Mobile Home/RV Park, per pad $2,182Hotel/Motel, per room $1,1831. If a certificate of occupancy is r...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
   Destin's City Council has called a special meeting this evening to review a proposal to significantly increase Impact Fees.  Members are encouraged to attend the meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Destin City Hall Annex, 4100 Two Trees Road.  Information on a proposed ordinance and its financial impact are available on the City of Destin web site.  This message was sent to on behalf of   Emerald Coast Association of REALTORS(r)  7. The word "includes" shall not limit a term to the specific example but is intended toextend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character.8. "City manager" means the city manager or the municipal officials he/she may designateto carry out the administration of this article.19.01.03. Definitions.A. A...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
   2B. This article is intended to assist in the implementation of the City of Destin ComprehensivePlan.C. The purpose of this article is to regulate the development of land so as to ensure that newdevelopment bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to provideparks and park capital improvements in the City of Destin.D. This article shall not apply to development for which the City of Destin is the applicant.19.01.02. Rules of construction.A. The provisions of this article shall be construed so as to effectively carry out its purpose in theinterest of the public health, safety, and welfare.B. For the purposes of administration and enforcement of this article, unless otherwise stated, thefollowing rules of construction shall apply to the text of this arti...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
   PROPOSED IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTSArticle 19 IMPACT FEES19.01.00. Parks impact fee.19.02.00. Public library impact fee.19.03.00. Police protection impact fee.19.04.00. Transportation Road impact fee.19.01.00. Parks impact fee.19.01.01. Intents and purposes.A. Legislative findings:1. The City Council has determined that the City of Destin must expand its park capitalfacilities in order to maintain current park standards if new development is to beaccommodated without decreasing current standards. This must be done in order topromote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.2. The City Council has determined that the Florida Legislature through the enactment ofChapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, encourages local governments to adopt innovativeapproaches to developme...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
Here you will have instant access to the MLS to search all homes for sale on the Emerald Coast for free. Florida Real Estate with Brandon Jordan, your Northwest Florida Realtor and ActiveRain featured Realtor for Okaloosa County since 2007. We provide this information and much more on our site for you at no charge, so please remember us when you're looking to buy or sell real estate.
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By Michelle DuVall
(Bank of America)
As a loan officer, I get many calls regarding rates.  When I speak with a prospective customer, the first question is usually, "What are your rates?"  First of all, that is such a difficult question to answer.  There are hundreds of programs, and the scenarios are all different too.  Pricing is going to vary for each program and each borrower.I think one of the biggest misconceptions that borrowers have revolves around rate quotes.  Here's an example:  I am looking to buy a house.  I have a 680 credit score.  The house I am going to buy is an investment property.  I am self-employed.  So, I would like a stated income loan program.  I also filed bankruptcy 4 years ago.  When I call the first loan officer I would like rates from, I disclose my credit score and tell the loan officer that t...
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Anyone ever thought it would be nice to own a 2nd or vacation home?  I know I'd love to own one somewhere in the mountains further north.If you are like me, you've fantasized about buying this 2nd home, but usually something brings you back down to reality pretty quickly:  Can I afford this?In the Destin area where I am located, there are numerous condominiums sprouting up everywhere.  Anyone who loves to vacation in the area knows that we have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.  Everyone wants a view.Some of the newest condominiums in our market are going for $1.7 million for a whole unit.  That price excludes many people, and it makes owning a second home seem like an impossible dream.So, what is fractional ownership?  The basic definition is "a time-share with a deed." ...
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By Debbie J. Webb, Broker Associate
(Newman-Dailey Resort Properties, Inc.)
                                                                        Note:  The following is an incentive package to attact the prospective Buyer.  These can be designed as Flyers w/borders (not shown here) and placed in different areas of the home, such as on the bathroom counter, kitchen counter, fireplace mantel... Great for Open Houses & when showing appointments.    Also, in the picture section as an attachment.  Because of the soft market, creativity is necessary!  Always be careful, though, to explain exactly what is offered.  No misleading.  Spell it all out, so everyone understands.  Such as, notice the: one time cleaning, or once a week for one month.  This is designed for the Seller to offer these incentives, not the Realtor.Below should be "centered", but it appears that ...
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By Michelle DuVall
(Bank of America)
I think that question is on everyone's minds right now.Yes, we all know the market is slow, and consumers are hesitant to buy because the prices are still high.  They think to themselves, "Surely the market hasn't bottomed out yet.  Why not wait a while longer?"  No one knows if the market has bottomed out or not, but honestly with the rates being pretty good and the prices not being so bad, why won't the properties listed for sale move?  In our area, I know that we have quite a few investors who make their living on buying low and selling high.  I can understand why they'd wait to buy (unless they have indispensable funds at their availability).  So, why are the first time homebuyers taking advantage of the slower market?  Is it fear?  Or, are they waiting for the other shoe to drop?  ...
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By Michelle DuVall
(Bank of America)
I have decided that since it has been such a challenge to get started in this business, I would post a blog about some of the advantages I have found to being new, or as many other experienced loan officers like to call me, "green"."It's not easy being green."  - Kermit the Frog Fresh perspective - As human beings, it is easy for us to become complacent with our jobs once we are really comfortable with them.  As a new originator, I am challenged everyday to come up with new and innovative ways to drum up some business.  Not only do I have to get my name out there, but I have to make myself memorable.  The human connection is one of the most powerful drivers of business relationships, but it can also be one of the most complicated to understand.  I have to be a detective.  I have to figu...
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By Michelle DuVall
(Bank of America)
As I come to a close on this particular series, I hope that I have provided some helpful information for potential homeowners.  My last post in this series will be about closing and your new life as a homeowner.Your closing date will probably be established once your loan is approved and you have accepted the terms for the loan.  Usually, your realtor will coordinate the date with all of the professionals that will need to be involved in closing:  you, the seller, the lender, and the title company who prepares the closing package.  The title company and the lender usually do most of the work in preparing for the closing.  They may ask you for certain documents, but they will do most of the work to get you to closing.  Some of the responsibilities of the lender and title company include:...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
ERA REAL ESTATE WELCOMES 18 NEW AFFILIATE COMPANIES TO ITS GLOBAL NETWORKNetwork strengthens its presence in California with the addition of 9 new affiliate companies and 14 new offices in total PARSIPPANY, N.J., - ERA Real Estate announced that it has grown its global franchise network with the addition of 18 new companies during July and August 2006. In addition, 10 existing ERA® affiliate companies expanded their presence through new office openings or mergers/acquisitions during the same period. ERA Real Estate continues to strengthen its position in California, with the Golden State accounting for the largest area of growth within the ERA network with nine new franchised brokerage companies and four existing affiliates combining to open 14 new ERA offices. Year to date, ERA Real Es...
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By Brandon Jordan
(ERA American Real Estate)
Located in the Florida Panhandle, the City of Destin has a rich historical heritage dating back to American Indian inhabitants as early as the 7th century A.D. Spanish explorers surveyed Florida in 1538. Don Francisco Tapia was commissioned to survey the Florida coast and in 1693, drew the first known map of East Pass and its shores. Destin traces its immediate history to a fisherman, Captain Leonard Destin, who moved here from New London, Connecticut, and settled in Northwest Florida in about 1845. Captain Destin pioneered the fishing industry and Destin has maintained this heritage to the present.With the growth and development of Destin from a small fishing village to a major tourist resort came the need for a local government structure. The City of Destin was originally chartered as...
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By Michelle DuVall
(Bank of America)
Good day everyone!  I hope that all of the potential homebuyers got out and shopped for a home this weekend.  The weather was perfect, and there are so many great homes out there just ready to become yours.I'd like to touch on several topics today.  My favorite section is of course the section on loan options.  This is quite condensed, and I know I can't address every topic on lending options in this blog; however, I would be happy to answer questions if anyone needs additional information about any of these topics.First, I'll discuss a few of the insured government loans.  Two of the most common types are FHA and VA.  FHA or the Federal Housing Administration is a part of the U.S. Dept. of Housing.  FHA often provides more lenient qualifications for borrowers (i.e. lower down payments ...
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