Bridge Tarpon Tournament June 3 - 4 Marathon Florida Keys (Draft) (edit/delete) The Tarpon fishing in Marathon FL and Key Colony Beach FL has been amazing in 2010 Big Time Bait and Tackle in Marathon Florida Bridge Series - Tarpon $3000 - 1 st place Team $1000 - 2 nd place Team $500 - 3 rd place Team $1000 - Men Div $1000 - Women Div. June 3 rd (Thurs am/pm tide) June 4 th (Fri am tide) Entry fee $475/boat (2 anglers) ($45 add angler) Big Time Bait and Tackle 305 289-0199 Accommodations are remaining Travel South to the Florida Keys for some wonderful fishing! Gorgeous Indigo Reef 3 BR Townhomes are available 995.00 per week/+tx fees Key Colony Beach Duplex's - 2 BR waterfront with Cabana Club...