
Pensacola, FL Real Estate News

(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith Furrow of Keith Furrow and associates announces that Doug Stewart Vice President of Henry Company Homes told him to offer a 1426 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage home for $126,000 with closing closing cost paid in the Maple Oaks West community near 10 mile road and hwy 29 in Pensacola. 100% rural financing program is available  Many options available. Other affordable 4 bedrooms available. Homes starting at $109,900 Models open daily 12-5 M-sat 1-5 Sun or anytime by appointment
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith and Les Furrow Marketing managers for Maple Oaks and Lost Creek plan on a alot of traffic during this years Parade of Homes in Pensacola. They are marketing three homes in the 2009 Parade of Homes in Pensacola. They have homes in Maple Oaks West, Glenview Estates and the Lost Creek communities. Henry company Homes was founded by Edwin and Susan Henry in 1983. They have built over 5500 affordable homes and won many parade of homes blue ribbons. Edwin Henry is past president of Building Industry Association  in Pensacola and President of the Home Builders industry of Florida.  
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
For more about my Smooth Movers Programs and Discounts, follow the links at the bottom. Whether you're planning a move across town or across the country, making the move hassle-free is what it is all about. Besides the traditional garage sale and packing of boxes, there are a few details you won't want to forget before you begin loading the truck: Plan Ahead Experts recommend scheduling moves at least one month in advance, especially during the peak-moving season between May and September. Some estimates indicate 80 percent of all moving and storage business is done when schools are out. That's when employees are most likely to be transferred. Ask Questions Take the time to get as much information as possible from moving companies before selecting one. Check on truck size and availabili...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
The tour will l be leaving our parking lot at 139 East Burgess Rd. every hour on the hour. We will be viewing 25 homes with price ranges from $16,000 to $495,000. There will be two loan officers on each bus if needed. All offers will need to be accompanied with a $5000. cashiers check for escrow and will be applied toward purchase. The check will have to be shown prior to getting on the bus. There will be vans available should anyone need to leave the tour early. If you were on last months tour you will need to be at the office at 8 am and will be placed on the second yellow bus. Anyone with the coupon from the website will need to present it to the agent on the bus prior to loading for validation. THOUSANDS OF HOMES.... One Address Looking for a home to rent or...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
There could be a better way... There are countless hardships that can turn home ownership from a joy into a burden.  The loss of a job, medical bills, or an unexpected hike in monthly payments can all make a mortgage unaffordable.  But ignoring the bills will not make them go away, it will only make things worse. If you need help, there are approaches that can help, but you may not be familiar with them.  One of these is a "short sale." In an approved short sale, the lender agrees to accept less than is owed for the property, and the homeowner is relieved of the debt.  A lender may be willing to do this because it spares a lot of hassle and expense involved in executing a foreclosure.  And typically, a short sale does far less damage to the homeowner's credit than a foreclosure does. If...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
I usually start planting and getting things spruced up around the house and office about the time of Good Friday. But this year I have been anticipating it seems like forever for spring to get here, so my team and I got started a little early, as in today. We have mowed, hedged and edged today. Next weekend we will be planting Crate Myrtles (6), along with a lot of begonias, tulips and assortments of bedding plants. While I am away this week they will pressure wash the building and add a fresh coat of paint. Then they will have the parking lot resurfaced. We will spend all weekend working, cleaning and shining everything in sight. My Team and I enjoy this tme of year. Every year in April we have our annual Spring Fling, where we set up yard sale booths around the office and the neighbor...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
I am leaving for a cruise on Sunday and I found out just last night. We were informed at 8 pm on Thursday night that a couple we knew was not going to be able to take the cruise that we had given them for Christmas due to the daughter having her baby a month premature. It is too late for them to cancel so if we wanted to go we would have to be in Miami by 3 pm on Saturday. If not they would try to find someone else if that was alright. We figured we can take the cruise and replace the tickets for them at a later time. I told the wife that I had a lot to do today and it was probably impossible, but if I could finish by 5 today it was a go and we could leave out tomorrow. As I write this I am glad to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Last night as we were preparing for bed, the wife wrote everyth...
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By Toby Moore
(Sugar Sands Perdido Realty)
Are you buying home in Pensacola, NAS Pensacola or Corry Station areas? Searching the internet for your next home? .... Need an ACCURATE, FREE Market Analysis on your current home? .... Want info regarding the $8000 tax credit?.....All of this at one Website! Not all real estate agents are the same ....... Don't take my word for it, spend ONE MOMENT reading my past customer testimonials at in the agent profile section. Again, search all the MLS listings there and get other links and tips to buying.... for free! I offer NO pressure, professional assistance to the most important purchase you’ll ever make. People are judged by their performance, not their promises. God Bless, Toby Moore ><> Realtor cell 850-572-8025 http://www.toby-moore....
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Les Furrow  site manager for in the lost creek in Northeast Pensacola by Pensacola's most affordable home builder Henry Company Homes reminds us that Lost Creek offers a great value. The prices start in the 120's. The location is close to malls, colleges, interstate, churches, busline and shopping. It is only 25 minutes to the beach. There over 15 floor plan styles to choose from. The builder offers a design center to choose your custom options. Henry Company Homes pays closing cost and there are 100% financing programs available.
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith and Les Furrow Marketing managers for Maple Oaks and Lost Creek were invited to participate in the 25th anniversary picture at Henry Company Homes design center Monday March 16th, 2009. Henry company Homes was founded by Edwin and Susan Henry in Pace in 1983. They have built over 5500 affordable homes and won many parade of homes blue ribbons. Edwin Henry is past Pensacola and Florida President of the Home Builders industry.
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The four states that led us into the market down turn are leading us into the upswing. The average sales across the country are up 6 1/2 % from November '08 through February '09. Florida which suffered a down turn of 18.2 %, in February  rebounded with 12.5 % increase. Some experts attribute this to lower interest rates and also the numbers of Distress Sales, Short Sales and Foreclosures. The Real Questions is why are  more buyers NOT taking advantage of these ideal conditions? The answer is FEAR! Turn on Radio or TV and what do you hear? Doom and Gloom....that is not to minimize current conditions but still if you have a job, pay stubs and decent credit you can get a loan.  There is money available from FHA ,VA Fanny Mae , Freddy.....and you do not have to put 20 % down. There are actu...
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
I have been putting together a list of places to market listings such as craigslist,, I am sure there are probably as many places as there agents. Please feel free to share these sites as well as how you write it up to get more google juice. I have tried ebay with very little success and is getting to the point of pricing themselves out of the market. Feel free to link back to any past post you have done on te subject, who knows maybe there are some out there that know as little as I know about these sites. I want to thank all in advance for participating.
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By Toby Moore
(Sugar Sands Perdido Realty)
NAS Pensacola Relocation Realtor (edit/delete) Are you buying home in Pensacola, NAS Pensacola or Corry Station areas? Searching the internet for your next home? .... Need an ACCURATE, FREE Market Analysis on your current home? .... Want info regarding the $8000 tax credit?.....All of this at one Website! Not all real estate agents are the same ....... Don't take my word for it, spend ONE MOMENT reading my past customer testimonials at in the agent profile section. Again, search all the MLS listings there and get other links and tips to buying.... for free! I offer NO pressure, professional assistance to the most important purchase you’ll ever make. People are judged by their performance, not their promises. God Bless, Toby Moore ><> R...
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith Furrow of Keith Furrow and Associates announced they will be marketing several new designs and locations by Pensacola's most affordable homebuilder during the 2009 Parade of Homes being held April 18th-25th in Pensacola and Gulf Breeze. The Parade of Home sites will be open Saturday and Sunday 12pm-6pm and weekdays 3pm-6pm. This annual event is being celebrated in-conjunction with Henry Company Homes 25th anniversary celebration
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
In spite of the rain thousands turned up to support to participate in the annual charity event. All enjoyed food, fun and festivities. The annual event is a gulf coast favorite for runners, walkers, joggers and spectators alike. If you are ever in the Gulf Breeze, Pensacola area just before St. Patrick's Day, don't miss this great event.
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By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
Every lender is different, but I have found that you have to get to the loss mitigation dept. and you have to stay on top of them to the point of calling sometimes as much as 15 times a day. Get your offer to the board as quickly as possible because they will ultimately make the decision no matter what you've been told. It has to go to the board and most boards meet every thirty days and go over short sales for the past thirty days, then make the decisions to accept, turn down or put on hold. Here is how I package a deal, hope it helps. I try to get as much out of the way as possible. I include a hardship letter from the sellers and it has to be hard, not just that the market is bad (boo hoo) if that is all you've got forget it. It has to be a Job loss, medical crisis, something that me...
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith Furrow and Associates, Realtors marketing Real estate company for Henry Company Homes announced that they are now offering very modern features as standard features on their homes. On Tuesday March 10th Henry Company unveiled their newest standard features. All their new homes will be featuring "knock down" ceilings in lieu of the out dated "popcorn" finished ceilings. The are now offering color matched garage doors to match vinyl siding on their home. They are also including modern arched interior Masonite doors and pewter colored door and handle hardware. All buyers who purchase Henry company homes visit their state of art design center. This design center features tens of thousands of potential upgrade features for home...
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By Toby Moore
(Sugar Sands Perdido Realty)
NAS Pensacola Relocation Realtor (edit/delete) Are you buying home in Pensacola, NAS Pensacola or Corry Station areas? Searching the internet for your next home? .... Need an ACCURATE, FREE Market Analysis on your current home? .... Want info regarding the $8000 tax credit?.....All of this at one Website! Not all real estate agents are the same ....... Don't take my word for it, spend ONE MOMENT reading my past customer testimonials at in the agent profile section. Again, search all the MLS listings there and get other links and tips to buying.... for free! I offer NO pressure, professional assistance to the most important purchase you’ll ever make. People are judged by their performance, not their promises. God Bless, Toby Moore ><> R...
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By Annie Guthrie
(Sun State Realty)
Blowing must remember doing that as a kid? one does that any more, right? Wrong! My friend and ex - Real Estate client, Anne-Marie, is the last of the good time bubble blowers. Our relationship started when I went to work at Keller Williams. Anne-Marie was the MCA...suffice to say she is the one that wrote the checks which says more than bookkeeper or office manager ...much more... She is a meticulous woman who wants all the i's dotted and heaven forbid you forget to cross those t's...but there is this other side that smacks right in the face of any stereotype you ever, ever had of a professional number cruncher. To say she is religious sounds so stuffy but religious she is. She is one of those cradle Catholics while I am a johnny come lately to the faith,so our p...
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(Keith Furrow and Associates Realty)
Keith Furrow and Associates joins together with Pensacola in it's celebration of 450 years On August 15, 2009 Pensacola, Florida will celebrate it's 450 year anniversary. In February 2009 Pensacola had a great birthday event with a visit from the King and Queen of Spain. is celebrating for 450 days; it started May 23, 2008 to August 15, 2009. Pensacola was founded six years before St. Augustine in 1559. There are many events planed in this honor. "Celebrate Pensacola, Inc., a non-profit organization managing the celebration, is planning numerous special events and programs such as parades, art exhibits, heritage walks, historical reenactments, educational programs, a Span...
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