
Pensacola, FL Real Estate News

By Karl Burger, Pensacola Real Estate News
(ERA Beach Ball Realty)
East Pensacola Heights is the area in southeast Pensacola bordered by Bayou Texar on the west and Escambia Bay on the East and South sides. It is a beautiful area rich in history. I recently attended a presentation on the history of East Pensacola Heights given by a group of students from the University of West Florida. The information from that meeting and the data I have gathered on the Pensacola MLS made for some interesting articles on East Pensacola Heights. I composed a 3-part series of articles on this historic area of Pensacola. The links to these articles are provided below. East Pensacola Heights - Part 1 - A Perspective In Local HistoryEast Pensacola Heights - Part 2 - Some Facts And Some Stories SharedEast Pensacola Heights - Part 3 - How Times Have Changed For information o...
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
Today is December 20, 2007 and I am very proud to say that I am now at Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty in Pensacola Florida.  Things have changed for a lot of us in the business and I am no exception to that.  Some of you know that my former office Palm Realty of Pensacola had to close their doors on December 15.  My former Broker, John and a few other agents were invited to to work at Century 21 AmeriSouth in Pensacola Florida. My new Broker, Dan Gullahorn is going to be a great person to with.  I am so fortunate that my family of friends at my former office decided to work here also.  I believe that this coming year is going to be great for all of us.  Real Estate is great!!
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By Karl Burger, Pensacola Real Estate News
(ERA Beach Ball Realty)
Weekly Update For Residential Listings In Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties                       DatesNew ListingsTotal Active Listings Homes Sold Average Price Of Homes SoldAverage Days On Market Oct 7-13206694753 $214,300 113Oct 14-20136688656$232,500146Oct 21-27148685658$212,200124Oct 28-Nov 31916773107$165,600135Nov 4-10151677434$162,400151Nov 11-17137672841$177,800127Nov 18-2498671445$192,150131Nov 25-Dec 1176662064$174,730151Dec 2-8149664038$451,650119 I hope everyone is having a great Pensacola holiday season. This was a strange week for real estate as far as trying to give a representation in the table. The numbers are totally skewed because of something that happened on Pensacola Beach. 18 units of the Beach Club condos were sold all at once this week. The prices ranged from $7...
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By Karl Burger, Pensacola Real Estate News
(ERA Beach Ball Realty)
I hope you will find this article helpful in determining the prices of homes sold in Pensacola Florida. It should give you a good idea of the predominate values of homes in Pensacola. I would venture to guess these values are a lot higher in other areas of Florida. Pensacola truly has one of the more affordable real estate markets in Florida.These numbers are for 2007 up to the middle of November. They cover only residential detached homes sold in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties this year. Price Of HomesHomes Sold% Of TotalUnder $100,00064514%$100,001-$150,000123427%$150,001-$200,000124227%$200,001-$250,00065814%$250,001-$300,0003167%$300,001-$350,0001624%$350,001-$400,0001022%$400,001-$1,000,0001884%Over $1,000,00023Less than 1%This table clearly shows the majority (54%) of homes sold...
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By Karl Burger, Pensacola Real Estate News
(ERA Beach Ball Realty)
I love East Hill. It has always been one of my favorite neighborhoods in Pensacola Florida. It also has my favorite park, Bayview Park, with a little something for everyone. More on Bayview park later. In this article, I wanted to show you a historic home in East Hill that overlooks Bayview Park. This home was built in 1915 by a local Pensacola lumber baron for the lady he loved. That is about all I know regarding the history of this home, but I intend to do some more research as I have time. The owners tried to sell this home. In the Pensacola MLS it was described as the "Crown Jewel Of Pensacola". It is over 3200 sq ft and has been "painstakingly restored" over the past 29 years. Apparently that wasn't enough. The home was listed for $1.6 million in 2005. No luck. It was again listed ...
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
There were a total of 823 residential detached homes that were put on the market for the month of October, 2007.  As of to date there are currently 5108 active residential detached homes on the market in the Pensacola Florida area.There were 356 Residential detached homes that sold during the month of October with the average number of days on the market being 127 days.  333 Residential homes were pending for the month of October and 243 homes that were contingent.In the Condo market there were 116 new listings for the month of October and there are currently 1292 active condos on the market.23 Condos sold during the month with the average days on the market being 238 days.  There were 18 Condos that were pending and 19 that were contingent for the month.
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By Jim Ellis
(Ellis Home Inspection Services)
I know when the phone rings and someone on the other end of the line starts out asking home inspection questions and inquiring about radon they are not likely from this immediate area. Occasionally a home relocation company will ask us to perform a radon test in Alabama, and very rarely in Florida. As our earlier findings resulted in little to know elevated Radon levels locally and according to the EPA we live in a non high threat area. How widespread is the problem? Radon has been found in homes in all 50 states. Certain areas are more susceptible than others, check out this EPA sight for a map of their findings,  Radon gas is produced from a breakdown of uranium in the soil. Radon gas is odorless, colorless and tasteless. The Surgeon General of the United Sta...
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
Ok, enough already about the Real Estate Market.  People we have to remember that Real Estate is LOCAL.  Sellers if you want your home sold in this market remember to price it to sell.  Go outside your home and stand on the curb.  Have you done that yet?  Ok, now what do you see.  Just pretend that you are a potential buyer and really look at not only your home but your yard as well.  What do you see?  Does everything look neat and tidy?  Is there over grown shrubbery, trees, or does the outside need a little sprucing up?  Ok, everyone seems to know that there are a lot of homes on the market  here in Pensacola Florida so, don't let your home sell the one down the street.  There are buyers ready willing and able to buy don't let your home get passed by.
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By Jim Ellis
(Ellis Home Inspection Services)
I have looked at this and several other sites for some time now. I finally decided to land here..On my way to an inspection today I got side tracked by a tornado in downtown Pensacola. Lots of debris and  rescue vehicles. I couldn't get to my destination so we rescheduled for the first of next week. Now that I'm home I have seen on the news what happened. Welcome to the south and ActiveRain  
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
Wake up to the birds chirping, the smell of bacon cooking on a nearby grill, the crispness of a new day dawning and that is what you get when you go camping at Big Lagoon State Park.  It was a crisp couple of days when my friend and I put up our tent to enjoy the beauty of Nature.  I know what some of you must be thinking. (Dianne in a tent?)  Yes, that is correct!  Sometimes you just have to get back to nature to find what you have been missing or just to collect your thoughts on life.  You will not find a better place to do that than at Big Lagoon.There are beautiful Nature trails where you can see animal and plant life.  I was strolling across one nature trail and low and behold over in the water was the fabulous alligator.  I noticed that he wasn't moving but staring up at all of us...
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By Carol Lincoln
(Exit Success Realty )
Good Afternoon,                       Just wanted to let people know about a great program that you can adopt a soldier over in Iraq which all it involves is writing to a soldier once a week and sending a care package once a month it cost so little and means so much to them who is doing so much for us. If your interested just key in search engine soldiers angels or email me at for more info thanks have a great day Carol
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
September 1, 2007 through September 30,2007 market for homes in Pensacola Florida. There are currently 5,139 Active listings for Residential Detached homes in Pensacola Florida.  There are 226 homes that are currently contingent. 309 residential homes that are pending.  There were 317 homes that sold during the month of September.  The average number of days on the market for Residential Detached homes for the month of September was 129 day.  For the month of September there were 749 new listings. There are currently 1372 active listings for Condos. 99 new listings for condos for the month.  26 Condos that are pending for sale.  10 condos that are contingent. 27 Condos sold for the month of September. The average number of days on the market for Condos for the month was 174.    
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By Anthony Piotrowski
(White Sands Realty & Assoc. of NWF)
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
As of today, in the Pensacola Florida  real estate area, there were 5,185 active listings on the market.  There were 936 new listings.  There are 341 residential detached homes that are pending. 457 residential detached homes sold for the month of August.  The average number of days on the market are 126.There are currently 1462 Active Condos on the market.  18 Condos are pending and 38 Condos sold during the month of August with 149 days on the market.
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
So, you are thinking about buying your first home?  Pensacola and Escambia County participate in the SHIP program.  SHIP stands for state housing initiative program.This is a great program for first time home-buyers.  This will help low to moderately low income families attain their dream of owning their own home.  This program offers assistance with down payment monies and closing cost assistance up to $15,000.  This is a forgivable loan.Income eligibility limits for those that qualify are as follows:Family Size                          Income Limits    1                                      $29,400    2                                       33,600    3                                       37,800    4                                       42,000    5                                   ...
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
 This whole week has been awesome for me.  My life has changed immensley.  It all started when I began to focus only on the good in all things.  Everywhere I have been for the past couple of weeks there has been this beautiful dragonfly that has been accompanying me.  Today while I was working, I took a little break and went outside to embrace all that nature has to offer.  While I was standing there, here comes this beautiful dragonfly.  He swirled around my body and then flew off to a tree branch.  I immediatley got my camera to take a picture.  He sat there as proud as he could be.  It was as if he was saying "take your time sweet one for I am waiting on you.  It took me a moment or so to get my camera ready.  Here are the pictures of my dear dragonfly.  Now, what do you think I shou...
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
Looking for something a little different to do in August?  Well, gather of few of your friends and head downtown to Old East Hill.  This will be the day of great shopping and finds.  There will be a variety of items to purchase from antiques to unique wines.  This event ins Old East Hill will begin at 10 a.m. and last until 5 p.m. on August 18, 2007.  There will be a host of Red Balloons pointing you in the direction of all the various shops.  Admission is free.  Call 470-0668 or 433-6427 for more information.
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
For the month of July there were 978 residential homes listed.  The total number of residential detached homes on the market for sell as of today is 5,234.  There are 392 homes that are pending.  514 homes sold for the month of July 2007.  The average number of days on the market was 126.There were 41 Condos that sold in July with the average number of days on the market was 283.  There are currently 1448 Condos on the market for sale.  The number of condos that are pending is 33.  This information is from the multiple listing service with the Pensacola Association of Realtors. 
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
I have been memed by Jo-Anne Smith. I really didn't know what a Meme was until I was memed.  What are five things that you don't know about me?  I am pretty open so here goes.I have two beautiful Sons who I cherish.I am a Nana to my wonderful and only Grandon, Brendan.     Brendan and Nana on the day he was born.  Brendan  3 years later. He loves being outside.I was born in a small town in Alabama.  I love being near the water, mountains or anywhere where I can hear and see nature.  I am a christian and not ashamed to say it.  I write poetry.Okay now I have to tag three other people.  Here goes.........George Souto, Carl Winters, Jennifer Allan  
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By Dianne Barody, Pensacola Florida Real Estate
(Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty)
As everyone is aware, this is a buyers market.  Per the Multiple listing system....there are 5220 residential detached homes on the market in the Pensacola, Florida area.  There were 517 residential detached homes that sold.  They averaged  being on the market for 121 days.  As of today there are 407 residential homes that are pending to close.There are 1464 active condos on the market as of today.  There are 18 pending transactions and 37 Condos that sold.  Days on market for these are 161 days.I don't know if buyers are aware of the monies out there for them if they qualify.  There is the SHIP program (State Housing initiative program).  There are first time home buyer programs.  What I am saying is that there are programs out there to help you purchase a home.  Don't let fear keep yo...
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Explore Pensacola, FL