East Pensacola Heights - A View of Pensacola History
By Karl Burger, Pensacola Real Estate News
(ERA Beach Ball Realty)
East Pensacola Heights is the area in southeast Pensacola bordered by Bayou Texar on the west and Escambia Bay on the East and South sides. It is a beautiful area rich in history. I recently attended a presentation on the history of East Pensacola Heights given by a group of students from the University of West Florida. The information from that meeting and the data I have gathered on the Pensacola MLS made for some interesting articles on East Pensacola Heights. I composed a 3-part series of articles on this historic area of Pensacola. The links to these articles are provided below. East Pensacola Heights - Part 1 - A Perspective In Local HistoryEast Pensacola Heights - Part 2 - Some Facts And Some Stories SharedEast Pensacola Heights - Part 3 - How Times Have Changed For information o...