Pensacola: Should You Have a Home Inspection?
By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
Budget, budget, budget. Budget is the word and concept we repeatedly use to constrain our spending. Grocery shopping, back-to-school supplies, and vacations are all planned under the structure of spending money on a budget. From an early age, we're taught that saving money is responsible and virtuous. Should budget spending confine your home purchase? Yes, probably. Most of us don’t have unlimited funds to spend on whatever home suits our fancy that day. Should we budget our way out of a home inspection? NO. Typical home inspections cost buyers about $300 to $500, depending on several factors, such as the size of the house and the property’s location. It’s tempting to try to save every dollar when purchasing a home, but forgoing a home inspection doesn’t make sense financially or emoti...