
Snapper Creek, FL Real Estate News

By Maria Borci, ABR-TRC-ASP - Kendall FL
(Real Estate )
Many companies are offering you the Paperless Option not only to save paper but to have a smaller pile of incoming mail every day. Your bank statement and many others can be combined into a single e-mail notification or online statement- Going PAPERLESS is going GREEN.Not only companies can cut down on mail and clutter but you can help save more than many tons of paper per year which is good for them and the environment.Do you know how many trees are used to make a ton of paper?A study made based on a mixture of softwoods and hardwoods trees 40 feet tall and 6-8 inches in diameter, it would take a rough average of 24 trees to produce a ton of printing and writing paper.Here are some numbers and facts regarding quantities of trees used to make paperA pallet of copier paper (20-lb. sheet ...
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