Will You Be Complying With Federal Laws In Regards To Marijuana?
By Dulcey Schuster, Property Management Software
(Rentec Direct Property Management Software Tenant Screening)
In Oregon marijuana used for medical purposes became legal in 1998. The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act modified state law to allow the cultivation, possession and use of marijuana if prescribed by a doctor for patients with certain medical conditions. Recently, on July 1, 2015 it became legal to grow limited amounts, 6 marijuana plants and have up to 8 ounces at home and an ounce or less outside the home for personal use on private property in Oregon. Measure 91 also gives OLCC (Oregon Liquor Control Commission) authority to tax, license and regulate recreational marijuana grown, sold, or processed for commercial purposes. The OLCC, isn't responsible for regulating the home grow/personal possession provisions or the sale of small amounts of recreational marijuana through medical marijuan...