
Tallahassee, FL Real Estate News

By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
  This next week brings us the Anniversary of the Terror Attacks of September 11th, 2001. It's hard to imagine that it has been six years.  I'm sure everyone remembers where they were on the day of the attacks.  However, it is easy to forget the months after the attacks when the public was encouraged to spend money to keep the economy strong. The American consuming public never flinched and the economy kept on rolling along. Fast forward six years and the economy continues to roll along. The graph below displays the last 6.5 years of the S&P 500 index, which is an index fund of the top 500 American stocks. It is considered to be the closest indicator of how the US Economy is truly performing.  The S&P 500 Index was beginning to decline a full year and half before September 11th, 2001. I...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
Don't you just hate it when you are trying to create a chart in Microsoft Excel and some of your data totally obscures the rest of it? The purpose of this post is to show you how I created a chart, showing how My Company Web Site has had more visitors than our competition.So, How do you do it? First, you graph the information as you want it. Then, by doing a series of copy and pastes, you will be able to make all data sets semi-transparent, allowing the viewer to see all (as in the image above). So, here are the steps. Create your chart as you normally would. Creat a rectangular Autoshape in any other part of your workbook. Select the new autoshape that you created, and then choose Format Autoshape. You will see several things to choose, so do the following: Change it to the color of th...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
The Numbers(continuation from My Previous Post ) So after years of measuring different lead sources, what have we found? First of all, I want to acknowledge that this is a small sample of agents that were measured for roughly a year. Differing talent and skill levels, as well as differing market conditions will yield different results for everyone. That being said, I think it is a fair analysis for one lead source versus another.Since I first went to Joe Stumpf and Mike Ferry back in the 90's, it appears that Joe Stumpf has not changed a whole lot of what he is teaching. On the other hand, it appears that Mike Ferry has embraced working one's Sphere of Influence (while he did not recommend against it when I went to his programs, he pushed hard for telephone prospecting outside of one's ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
The Business Funnel (continuation from My Previous Post ) After measuring Attempts, Contacts, Leads, Appointments, Sales and Closings for over a year (with about 20 agents) I discovered a fascinating thing.... We could use an agent's measured numbers to focus their specific training needs to them. Let me demontrate by means of an example. Let us look at "the numbers" on five ficticious agents: These numbers quickly show that Susan is the top producer with 34 closings, while Alice is producing the least. Normally as the broker, I would only know closed statistics, but with the measuring systems in place, check out all the information that we ascertain! This is a graphic of what I call the Business Funnel. It can greatly help us guide each individual agent who is prospecting for business:...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
The Language(continued from my previous post) I must say that I was extremely excited to try out everything that I learned. I was determined to measure our actions and our results so that I could quantitatively prove what was the best method(s) for acquiring new business.In order to measure, I had to come up with a common language for all of our participating agents. As the great Bill Clinton once reminded us "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." This common language would ensure that our measurements and systems were consistent across the board. So, here is a list of defined terms that we chose to measure: Attempt - This is where you initiate an action to make contact with someone for the purpose of having a "real estate, fact-finding conversation." A great example of a...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
As our market has toughened up, I have had many agents come to me and ask what they could do to generate more business. As I have been in the Tallahassee Real Estate Market for 17 years now, I certainly have a lot of ideas and experience. But more importantly, I have (on my computer) records of what we were doing the last time the market was like this. I had to dig deep. As a Real Estate Broker with a computer science degree, I have a pretty well-organized computer structure that allows me to pull most files or records that I used since about 1992. I have always "carried forward" my file structure to a new computer when replacing an old one. So, to the point.... Our market in Tallahassee, FL turned from Seller-side to Buyer-side in the middle of 1996. I did not have great experience at ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
I read an interesting blog this morning by Brad Carroll titled Free Tools That Allow You To Spy On Your Competition. I followed all of the links and learned a great deal about how my site can be analyzed, as well as how to use the same tools to analyze my competition. One tool in particular made me really excited. I used Compete.Com to compare my old, rusty, not up-to-date web site with the top local web sites for my highest value key words. What I found amazed me. My site doesn't show up in the first two pages of a google search, yet we get much more traffic than the top 2! Wow. Apparently, SEO is not the only game in town... So I guess some of our other marketing methods are driving more traffic to our site than the SEO methods of our competition. You can tell by the graphic that sinc...
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By Carol Palacios
(Century 21 Manausa & Associates)
 Are you searching for foreclosed property and those in the process of foreclosure in Tallahassee and its surrounding area? Like what you see so far?The link below will give you just a peak! Call me, Carol Palacios, your Tallahassee Real Estate Proffessional for more information on these properties and many more! You can reach me at 850.321.1854Tallahassee Real Estate Foreclosures
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By Carol Palacios
(Century 21 Manausa & Associates)
  ARE YOU IN TROUBLE?When you purchased your home chances are you took out a home loan and your lender issued a lien on the property or took a security interest in the property in case you were ever to default on the payments. In the event that you cannot make your mortgage payment, this security interest gives your lender the right to take the house away from you- aka- foreclose! This means they can auction off your house and keep the proceeds in order to cover its investment. Worst case scenario, if the property cannot be sold for what you owe, a deficiency judgment can be filed against you.What is a deficiency judgment?  It's simply a judgment against the borrower in favor of the lender in an amount equal to the difference between the funds received from a court sale of the property ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
HEY, MOVE ME OUT!Seems easy right? I always thought so. I mean how hard can property management be? You Find a Tenant in Tallahassee who stays for an extended period of time in your Tallahassee Real Estate Investment, pays you rent, and then moves out or renews when the lease is up.Ah, to the contrary. The real work begins when the tenant moves out..... In Florida, liability begins when the tenant moves out. Yes, cleaning up the mess. But today we are going to approach this from a different perspective. Let's look at what happens to that Security Deposit? Did you know that you have 30 days to file a claim against it? Most people think that the security deposit is the owner's money. Well, it's not until a claim has been made against it. And even when that is done, there is still a waitin...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
Ah, Relief is Here!Would you buy some Snake Oil to cure all your ills? I think I might have found the product!This is the First Piece of Spam that I have received with a Mortgage Lender promising "yesterday's garbage." A main ingredient to our current problem Mortgage Market is Loan Products that were designed to default. Here is a Mortage Company saying it still has that product!  Now, let me see, what could this possibly lead to.....Just let me look into my Crystal Ball ....  The Great Visionary predicts .....I'm going to go out on a limb and predict this is just a leading ad to get Realtors to talk to them. However, if they really do have them, than I predict this Mortgage Company has a short future....Is anyone else getting hit with stuff like this, or am I just lucky?
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
Building CredibilityIf you read my previous post about "losing customers," you know that I have this issue burned into my mind. When I ask my agents what happened, usually the response is what the customer told them, or what they thought the customer told them. I find that when I lose a customer, the problem is ME! Customers do not leave if they feel that I am critical to their success! Credibility creates a bond with the customer that holds them to you now (for this transaction), and more importantly, in the future for referrals.Here are the Top Five Signs that your customers may not think You are Credible: They asked you to step outside while they "talked it over" They won't call you back They just won't listen You find yourself saying "Buyer's  are Liars" They listed with someone els...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
It's time for another look at the Tallahassee Real Estate Market. I take a close look at "the numbers" every month so that Century 21 First Realty is able to give the best advice to our Tallahassee Home Buyers and Tallahassee Home Sellers, given the current market conditions.I have attached a few of the charts that I assemble each month for Tallahassee Real Estate Agents. If you have any questions, please go to My Profile to contact me.New Construction Turning Around? It appears we are seeing positive trends on both sales and permitting from our new construction industry.Home Prices - New Construction Continues to Rise while Resales Drop a little.Correction Finally Seen in Land Prices, but Lots Still Expensive at $88,000!New Condo Sales Slow, But Prices still RisingTotal Condo Sales Sti...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
A friend of mine called to tell me he needed to sell a home in Tallahassee (which is great, that is what I do for a living!). Because he has a rather large home that will tilt the scales on price range, I decided to do a very comprehensive study on the Tallahassee Real Estate Market and our current supply of homes. What I found is what most Tallahassee Real Estate Professionals already know. Inventory is at a ten-year high. Ouch! I examined all single family detached homes, both for sale now as well as those that had sold over the previous 12 months and was able to determine the "Months of Supply" of homes for various price ranges in Tallahassee. Unfortunately for my friend, his home is worth in excess of $700,000, meaning he is competing in a price range that has more than 2 years wort...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
Today we decided to do a class on how to write a blog on Active Rain. We had quite a few Tallahassee Real Estate Professionals in attendance. The class was taught by a Relative Newbie to Active Rain, but it was mostly affective anyway. Our goal was to get more of The Best Real Estate Agents in Tallahassee blogging on Active Rain. Some Great Agents (see above) were really excited to be here, yet other Tallahassee Realtors were not so excited (see below).The training covered how to post a blog (this was the actual blog created in the class) and how to take advantage of all the different tools that Active Rain has to offer.So, in Summary, here is What was Covered in the Tallahassee Real Estate Training Class:Step 1: Click on the "post" tool to begin your new blog post.Step 2: Make sure you...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
I received an email from Bev Thorne, SVP Marketing for Century 21 stating that we have grown to 56 Countries, 8,000 offices and 143,000 real estate agents! So, does this size of a network of Professional Real Estate Agents make a difference to me Selling Real Estate in Tallahassee, Florida? You bet it does! We are able to market our properties on the Strongest Real Estate Network in the world. More exposure to our Tallahassee Homes For Sale means more Tallahassee Home Buyers. We help our Sellers Get Top Price in Tallahassee! So how did this Real Estate Network get so big? Bev explains that "we treat our customers right and provide them with a product and service that is above and beyond what they expect!" Here in Tallahassee, Florida, we are a part of that success. In fact, we utilize ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
Statistics for Us AllI was doing some research today for a Tallahassee Real Estate Condominium Development that we are doing in Tallahassee, Florida when I pulled up a quick statistical report from the Tallahassee Board of Realtors MLS. I was trying to figure out the average price of Condo Units Sold in Leon County, Florida this calendar year, so I entered in the criteria and was shown this:So my first thought was "how can the average price be so much higher than the median price?" Then I looked at the Maximum Price and the Minimum Price and I saw immediately that I would have to do my own research (somehow, I do not think a Condo sold for $65M in Tallahassee, nor for $1K either!).POINT #1: The MLS is loaded with information by Salespeople, not by Statisticians. This is important to kno...
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By Carol Palacios
(Century 21 Manausa & Associates)
So something happened in your life and you have fallen behind on your mortgage payment. Surely this is not a situation to take lightly! You don't have the extra cash to bring the mortgage up to date and you have already been served foreclosure notices indicating that your home will be repossessed unless you do something about it.... So what do you do?At this point you have a number of options, none which sound all that appealing at first! You can (1) Put the home on the market in hopes of selling it prior to the final foreclosure/auction date for profit (2) Organize a short sale with bank approval (3) Stay in the house without attempting to sell it or make the payments and wait until the day you are evicted because you don't own the house anymore, the bank does (4) Give up, give it back...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
The 2007 Leon High School Football Hall of Fame Induction Banquet was held last week at the Leon County Civic Center. While there were plenty of great former Leon football players present, a small group took center stage. Apparently, Florida State University owes a small debt of gratitude to Leon High School. 5 Quarterbacks who starred for FSU learned their position while attending Leon High School. Is this a national record for source recruiting? Gene Cox, former Head Football Coach at Leon stated "I have checked with coaches from the University of Florida, the University of Miami, the University of Georgia, the University of Alabama and the University of Tennessee and none of them can come close to 5!" Way to go Leon and FSU!Below is a picture of all five quarterbacks and two of their...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate) Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC's Mad Money, comes completely unglued on the Federal Reserve Board for creating economic ‘Armageddon' with the current state of the bond market (if you haven't seen this you have to check it out)...It seems that the Donald can't even hold together a mortgage company nowadays... The Housing Bubble you ask?   And yet the Fed himself is holding steady to his anti-inflation guns by offering no plans to bail out the flailing lenders nor stimulate the housing slump... So...What Gives on the lending front?  Understandably we've seen a shift in high LTV sub-prime and Alt A financing.  I mean come on right?  100% financing with every type of documentation type ranging from No Doc to Stated Income and everything in between.  Like we didn't see that one coming....
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