
Tamarac, FL Real Estate News

By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Tamarac Little League OPENING DAY ...  SUNDAY ...  3/01/09 11:00 - 3:00 RAFFLES .....   KIDDIE RIDES ......  FOOD .....  FUN .....  ENTERTAINMENT BILLY THE MARLIN PLAYER , TEAM , COACH, INTRODUCTIONS See you there later today! My son is on the Red Sox team, even though I am a big YANKEES Fan!!!
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Yesterday was the first of 2 meetings in Broward County for school boundary changes. There were several school boundary changes and a lot of very unhappy parents!! Here is a list of schools that will be affected: Atlantic West Elementary School, Margate Cooper City Elementary School  Coral Cove Elementary School, Miramar Margate Middle School Riverglades Elementary School, Parkland Walter C. Young Middle School, Pembroke Pines Lyons Creek Middle School A second public hearing and vote is scheduled for March 25, also at Plantation High School.      
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
It looks like Broward county school board is looking into 4 day school weeks for all Broward counthy High Schools. The pay wouldn't change for the teachers, but they would save on the overhead costs, EX light and water. Here is a little exerpt from the Sun-Sentinel. During a Tuesday workshop, board members directed Schools Superintendent James Notter to study the idea to prepare for up to $160 million in possible budget cuts from the state for the 2009-2010 school year.Such a move would take more than a School Board vote. Changing all high schools to a four-day week would require negotiations with the Broward Teachers Union, although an individual school could make the switch if two-thirds of the school's teachers and staff agreed, Notter said.The savings, he said, would come from lower...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
First Time Home Buyer Seminar coming your way to Tamarac, Fl. Do you have any questions about the home buying experience? Well now is your chance to get your questions answered all at the same time. Subjects that will be covered: New First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit! Special Programs for Teachers! Mortgage Rates Federal State and Local Grants We will have: Mortgage Broker Title Attorney  Home inspector to answer your questions. Call to register at 954-993-4104, space is limited.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Ok i saw this coming since there is a new school being built right siwn the street. And when boundaries are changed everyone gets upset. I know no one wants to have there child changed after getting use to a school. But would you rather have them in a crowded school with no possiblity of getting one on one with a teacher when they have some diffucllties? If you want to know where the boundaries are and where there are being changed to, you can attend the hearings. Seven elementary and middle schools in the county could have their attendance zones redrawn. The first of two public hearings and votes is scheduled for Wednesday at Plantation High School. It happens next month. March 25. So plan to attend if you want your voice heard!
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Dear Diary, You know we talk alot and I tell you how much I enjoy being a Realtor. How much I enjoy doing videos. God knows how much I have shown you on paper! But I think by now more than anything else you know my Truest Passion is....MY CHILDREN! Plain and simple!!! Remember how I talked to you about the day Anissa was Born? And look at her know 6 years old in Kindergarden, playing soccer, sining and dancing in school and now her top 2 teeth are loose and ready for a permanent ones to come in. Where does the time go???             And then there is Anthony. My handsome 4 year old. The day he started school, remember how I told you he cried and screamed for me so much that I sat in the hallway crying not sure whether or not to leave him there. Now he looks at me and says by Mom I love ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Thomas the Train will be coming to Twon next month. March 7 and 8, March 14 and 15.   Located at Gold Coast Railroad Museum, 12450 SW 152 Street, Miami Florida. This is across the street of the Miami Metro Zoo. This is going to be fun. It land s on the weekend of Andrew's birthday and we are taking the family there for his celebration. Its going to be a blast. It only comes once a year and this is the time. Don't miss it or you will have to wait till next year. So enjoy and if you go, try to find me, I will be there for the 11:15 train ride which is to last 25 minutes. See you there and what they say on the train ALL ABOARD!!!!
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
First Time Home Buyer Seminar coming your way to Tamarac, Fl. Do you have any questions about the home buying experience? Well now is your chance to get your questions answered all at the same time. Subjects that will be covered: New First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit! Special Programs for Teachers! Mortgage Rates Federal State and Local Grants We will have: Mortgage Broker Title Attorney  Home inspector to answer your questions. Call to register at 954-993-4104, space is limited. Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
First Time Home Buyer Seminar coming your way to Tamarac, Fl. Do you have any questions about the home buying experience? Well now is your chance to get your questions answered all at the same time. We will have a Mortgage Broker, Title Attorney and a Home inspector to answer your qiestions. Call to register at 954-993-4104, space is limited. Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
First Time Home Buyer Seminar coming your way to Tamarac, Fl. Do you have any questions about the home buying experience? Well now is your chance to get your questions answered all at the same time. We will have a Mortgage Broker, Title Attorney and a Home inspector to answer your qiestions. Call to register at 954-993-4104, space is limited.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
The other day I was going to respond to someone who commented on my blog post. When I looged on from my phone since I wasn't at home I was taken by surprised. Usually it would look like the same as my computer, but since AR has been going through there changes it looks like they made the mobile settings change as well and it is so much eaiser!! The AR gods are always thinking ahead and I must say they are doing a fanastic job. I wish I could give you a snap shot of what it looked like, but haven't figured that part out yet. But when you get the chance log on from your moblie, you may be surprised yourself. Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
 As many of you know that most of my blogs are Localism based post. I direct all of them to my market area. And to tell you the truth I was really surprised this weekend. We al think that maybe our blogs may or may not be getting to the locals, and sometimes we let things slip through our blogs that we shouldn't. I wrote a post a year ago about a local carnival that comes around every year the weekend of Valentine's and you wouldn't believe the respond and calls and emails I have been getting since last week because of that post. And do you know what type of crowd I was getting? Teenagers! That's right they were searching about info for the fair and it landed them HERE, the pace that has the best google juice. I got calls about pricing, which at the time I didn't know but promised them ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Property Case Address Price Bed/Bath List Date Bid Deadline Priority 095-034476 4024 LAKESIDE DRTAMARAC, FL 33319 81,000 2/ 1 02/06/09 02/10/09 Owner Occupant View Map   View Property Details Property Case Address Price Bed/Bath List Date Bid Deadline Priority 095-037365 4174 LAKESIDE DRTAMARAC, FL 33319 81,000 2/ 1 02/06/09 02/10/09 Owner Occupant View Map   View Property Details Property Case Address Price Bed/Bath List Date Bid Deadline Priority 095-036860 4056 LAKESIDE DRTAMARAC, FL 33319 33,250 2/1 01/16/09 Daily All Bidders View Map   View Property Details Property Case Address Price Bed/Bath List Date Bid Deadline Priority 095-038066 4048 LAKESIDE DRTAMARAC, FL 33319 70,400 2/ 1 01/16/09 Daily All Bidders View Map   View Property Details Property Case Address Price Bed/Bath List...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I did this on Facebook today. I entered in my birthday and this is what I got. I was really surprised because I think it suits me to a tee. If you are on facebook do this and see what it says about you. My Birthday is Dec 15 Birthday Meaning You are outgoing and love to be at the center of attention. From the outside, you may seem flashy, flirty, and tricky but your true self is strong, full of hope to be the leader. When you fail to convince someone, you will get frustrated, and perhaps let your temper shows. Your Love, You are emotional. Many can win your heart at once, but not for long. This is why you hardly win a decent relationship. My Strengths Optimistic, brilliantly sociable and motivated to win the best in life. My Weaknesses Unrealistic, stubborn and reluctant to confront pro...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I like to read the paper. Lots of useful information. As we all know that the buyers are now starting to jump ship and started buying. Well in todays paper the headlines showed: In the market for a home? It might be easier than you think! "I had gotten the impression from watching the news that I was going to have to wait five years to save up enough to put down on a house," Page said. "But it sounds like I could buy in the next six months. That's something I hadn't considered." Many home buyers are applying for Federal Housing Administration mortgages, which require down payments of 3.5 percent of the purchase price. On a $150,000 property, that's $5,250.Effective Jan. 1, in Palm Beach and Broward counties, FHA loans are limited to homes that cost up to $345,000, a reduction from $423,...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
OK I am meeting with the Mayor of Tamarac next week. I am looking forward to it. Out of the blue I sent her an emai, I wasn't sure whether she would repsond. Not only did she respond, but she called me! That's right she called me and said she would be honored to speak with me, and was glad that I thought of her. So I am making a list of 10 questions, I wasn't ready with them when she called since it took me off guard. So I started on it today. I wanted to have very good questons, nothing cheesey. So look for a blog post with the Mayor, it may also be a video, still thinking about that one. You all know how much I like doing those. So it may just be one!!   You have any questions you would like to ask the Mayor? Leave them here and I will add it to the list!
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
When I started blogging here on the rain I really didn't expect to build the relationships I have. I don't think many of us had those intentions. But after reading and commenting and then finally taking the steps from just being on the computer to meeting in person. Some of us have met for dinner, have met at the BarCamps, or have went on a weekend get away. But whatever out intentions were we have built lasting friendships, sisterhoods, and brotherhoods. A couple of months ago I came here on the Rain looking to see if anyone would be able to send me fall leaves. I was trying to teach my children about the changing of the seasons, since we really only see 2. Well one person came in and did a FANASTIC job with this projuect. Not only did it help me, but it gave her kids a fun scavnger hu...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
OK I had a great weekend. I met with 3 different buyers. We are not just talking about buyers you are just browsing through. I am talking about buyers ready to put in contracts. They just need the right home. First buyer was in the Tamarac, Coral Springs for: Town home or condo. And by the looks of it, we may already have found the one they were looking for. Just will look at two more tom. Second buyer called me off my listing in Miami. Very nice couple and was very pleased with the home. He tried to get  a hold of his mortgage broker, but was unable to. He is calling him today so we can put a contract on that one. Third buyer was for the Weston area. They too were looking for Town-homes or Condo. Wife fell in love with one. We will be going out tom morning to look at three more, if she...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Well its tax time, and before you know it April 15 will be here. It's amazing how time flies! Do you have all your papers together? Here are some tips to get you going in things you may not have known about.   1. Economic stimulus payment. You may have received an economic stimulus payment in 2008, based on your 2007 taxes. If so, don’t include it as income on your tax return. It’s not taxable. If you didn’t receive a payment, you may be eligible for the recovery rebate credit, as explained below. You may even qualify for that credit if you did receive an economic stimulus payment. 2. Standard deduction increased by real estate taxes. Suppose you own a home and pay real estate taxes but don’t have enough total deductions to be able to itemize. Good news: You can increase your standard d...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Are you one of those people who have a bunch of credit cards and they are max out and you are bairly making the minium payments on them? Well you know you can speak with your credit card companies to reduce your interest rates, or have some of your late fees removed? Hey we all get caught up in a bind. I had some hards times myself and needed to talk with them to get some things taken cared of. You see if you call and talk with these companies and let them know up front you are having problems they are more willing to work with you. You shouldn't be afraid to confront them. Here are some tips to help you get started. You will be surprised how much money you could save by taking these steps! And if you are looking to buy a house within the next year or two, this would be the perfect plac...
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