Eatonton Georgia- Close to everything, next to perfect!
By Tammy Lankford,, Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville
(Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668)
Downtown Eatonton Georgia- Close to everything, Next to perfect!I went traveling around the streets of downtown Eatonton Georgia yesterday looking at the homes for sale and recalling such happy childhood memories of the years that I lived downtown. I lived on Sunnydale Drive right across the street from a store. Lots of other children lived in my neighborhood. In second grade I was the "infector" who gave all the other kids in the neighborhood chicken pox. One of my favorite things about living there was waiting at the bus stop in the mornings for the school bus. I'd always take a bit of my allowance and buy some penny candy and tuck that little brown bag into my book satchel for after lunch.I also went by and photographed my old Grammar school. I credit my third grade teacher, M...