Here I go, breaking my rule about being political ... AGAIN!
By Tammy Lankford,, Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville
(Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668)
What were they thinking? Seriously, what are they thinking? How do you feel about cap and trade? Did you take the time to write your congressperson? I did. I'm fortunate that what he had to say about it about sums up my own feelings and he voted against it. Did your? Will paying more taxes help you? I didn't think so. The senate still has not passed this irresponsible legistlation so I am urging you to write your Senators NOW. BEFORE THIS PASSES and is signed into law. I really didn't think Pelosi was going to pull the wool over our eyes and get this passed, but she did. WRITE YOUR SENATOR HERE Also I think you should know how your representative voted and write to them if they voted for this legislation and you disagree with it. I love what my rep. Paul Broun had to say about...