Planning a trip to Maui? Don't take the Hana Highway!
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
Planning a trip to Maui? Don't take the Hana Highway!Almost everyone who comes to Maui as a visitor used to be encouraged to take the "road to Hana" for a once in a lifetime experience. It's famous for the 52 or so single lane bridges, stunning vistas, tropical jungle and white knuckle hair-pin curves. But that was then and this is now...First of all, you may have to pass through the National Guard checkpoint at Twin Falls, where they'll ask you what your business is. Are you driving to Hana? Is it absolutely necessary? If you're driving a Mustang or Jeep, it's probably not that important that you proceed.If you decide to continue on your journey, be prepared to encounter lots of opposition, and not many smiling faces like in the old days.You might find this guy near the start of t...