A stinky mouse showed up at my showing today
By Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089, Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info
(Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers)
A stinky mouse showed up at my showing today and the kitchen pantry smelled really ripe. The caretakers alerted me of it last night and by this morning there was no denying it! There was a lot of smell, but no dead mouse or rat to be found. This is NOT what you want to happen when you're showing an expensive country property. We burned incense which helped a bit. I consulted with the buyer's agent and we decided to forge ahead as scheduled. The buyer is on island and his mission is to find a suitable property, the sooner the better. They showed up and there was lots to see before arriving in the kitchen. Lucky for us it was a beautiful day so all the windows and doors were open and the gentle trade winds were circulating the air. It would have been much worse if it was rainy and damp. ...