Is Insurance Taking Too Big a Bite Out of Your Budget?
By Georgia Weaver, A Promise Made is a Promise Kept! 712-291-0118
(Weaver Realtors)
If you are as confused about insurance as I was checkout this article from It is excellent at explaining what insurances you don't need, the ones that really aren't much, if any, help to you but really help line the pockets of the insurance company. I don't completely agree with the article on 1 type of insurance noted here: Flood insurance I believe is vital if you are in the 100 year flood plain. My belief in this is the result of being in a lot of floods and seeing the devastation the Mississippi caused along the eastern border of Iowa this year. This article will help you get on a firmer footing with your insurance company, if they have you in one of the insurances noted in this article get them on the phone or better yet visit them in person, take this article, ask...