Why? Why? Why?
By Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp, The Home Inspector With a Heart!
(SLS Home Inspections-Kankakee Will Iroquois Grundy Counties)
Why? Why? Why? While I do inspections in many homes that have a small number of items in need of repair, every once in a while there are things that make absolutely no sense and actually may put the sellers and of course the new buyers in danger, or at the least, financial expenses above what they can handle.Here are just a few examples of these items. Are you a real estate agent? Would you like a FREE CPE certification? What is CPE? It's called Client Protection Expert How can It Help YOU? Click this link for the course... http://www.cpecertification.com/ Watch the video below and then take the short 10-15 minute test and you will receive several free items that will benefit you and your clients as well as a certificate that you can use for your marketing. Click this li...