How to Make the Most of Today 2016
By William Piotrowski, Just Call William 630-881-8655
(Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation )
How to Make the Most of Today 1. Choose not to feel too anxious or to fear what’s in the future. Often, things turn out much better than we thought that they would do. 2. Allow yourself to dream about - and then plan for - the future … But still work hard today as that determines your tomorrow. 3. Don’t simply grit your teeth and try to make it through the day. Decide to find the “positives", and good things on the way.... 4. Don’t rest on your successes as that was yesterday. The past has gone forever – but the future lies ahead. 5. Let go of hurts and grievances: they’ll only pull you down. , consume your energy and leave you feeling sad and tired. 6. Be optimistic, smile and have a positive outlook. It brightens how you feel, helps us get the most from life.