
Foraker, IN Real Estate News

By Larry Johnston, Broker,Friends & Neighbors Real Estate, Elkhart,IN
(Broker, Friends & Neighbors Real Estate and Elkhart County Subdivisions, LLC)
 Wood N' Gage and Mario's Deli & Catering   Wood N' Gage Cafe The Wood N' Gage Cafe, located at the corner of Wood and Gage Streets, in Elkhart, makes a great place for coffee, lunch, meetings, or just taking a break in the day.  They offer not only a great lunch or meal, but an array of gifts, bakery and homemade treats. Stop in with friends or have a meeting, as there is wireless internet available.  Book a Dinner or party, up to 25 people.  Call for information. Hours Tuesday - Friday, 10 am - 2 pm Saturday, 8 am - 1 pm Closed Sunday and Monday   Mario's Catering Mario's Catering grew from a meat market in 1961 to a full time catering business.  Mario catered from his meat market until 1991, when he closed the meat market and continued with the catering. You can now order you caterin...
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By Larry Johnston, Broker,Friends & Neighbors Real Estate, Elkhart,IN
(Broker, Friends & Neighbors Real Estate and Elkhart County Subdivisions, LLC)
The "Time Was" Museum, Elkhart, IN   The "Time Was" museum was started by Paul Thomas in 1988 on North Main Street, in Elkhart, IN.  Paul Thomas, born on October, 23, 1923 has lived in Elkhart all but 6 months of his life.  He opened and ran a shoe store for almost 50 years. After selling his store to his son,, Mr Thomas opened the "Time Was" museum above the store on the second floor.  Since then, the seven rooms have been filled with memorabilia dating back to 1868. You must make an appointment to visit the museum by calling 574-293-6005.  Thousands of visitors, many of them being organizations and school children learning about the history of Elkhart.  The Real Estate agents visited the museum on several occasions, while Paul Thomas gave his colorful version of the history and indust...
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