Gratitude and Patriotism: A Country Boy’s Perspective!
By Erby Crofutt, The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
(B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (
"Gratitude and Patriotism: A Country Boy's Perspective!" The Scott County Extension Center will be holding the Scott County Farm City Banquet at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, November 24th, 2009. IT'S FREE BUT RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED by Friday, November 20th, 2009See below for RSVP & Directions. Titled "Honoring Pioneer Farmers and Businesses" Speaker Gary Lacefield will be speaking on "Gratitude and Patriotism: A Country Boy's Perspective". The evening will be closed out with top notch entertainment. I don't know what the entertainment is but I bet it'll be great! The Extension Center asks that you bring a couple of non-perishable food items with you. All food collected will be donated to one of the Scott County Food Banks. For Reservations call Josh Renaker, County Agent for Agriculture and N...