Kentucky Home Inspector goes Marketing (Fishing)
By Erby Crofutt, The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
(B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (
What a day it was early last week. I had two inspections within 20 miles (or so) of Cave Run Lake. One of my favorite places in Kentucky.But, at about 11:45, as I'm finishing up my first inspection, the client for the second inspection calls. He lost his financing. Inspection cancelled.What does a Kentucky Home Inspector do when a client loses his financing & cancels the inspection.Why, go fishing! After all, it was only 20 miles (or so) away from where I was for the morning inspection. (I guess that's why I carry fishing gear in the van.)I left my morning inspection, which was back down this cute little road.Soon I was zipping along here. Wondering who was going to get this listing? (You up for it, Lizette?)Sometimes the walls fall down.I pulled in here.To see this.Before long (...