2007 marks the Bicentennial of Madisonville, KY located in Hopkins County, KY. As a proud resident of this great community I would like to encourage everyone to attend the festivities planned for June the 8th, 9th, and 10th.The fun starts on June 8th with the Bicentennial Car Show at Friday Night Live downtown. This is a free event, sponsored by the City of Madisonville, Madisonville Renaissance, and Trover Health Systems. The event begins at 5pm with prizes being awarded at 8:30 pm. This will be an extraordinary event with the music, food and fun you are used to finding at Friday Night Live and an extra treat with the car show. More information can be found on the City of Madisonville website. On Saturday June 9th the fun will continue at the City Park at 10am. There will be lots o...