Waterfront (Boston, MA)
By David Laven, “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”-SA
(EXP Realty)
As part of a new series we will be doing post about our favorite Luxury buildings in Boston. Today's Featured luxury builing is 4 Battery Wharf which is located on Boston's waterfront. 
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By Michael Monteiro
By Colin McCarthy, J.D., Robinson & Wood, San Jose, CA So now that I've enticed you with some interesting stories about people getting murdered and burglars suing property owners, I thought it would be a good time to go over the brass tacks of just what constitutes a premises liability cause of action.  When can a resident sue? Or saying the same thing differently as us lawyers like to do: When can the landlord be sued?  When there is a lawsuit, what does the plaintiff (the partysuing) have to prove to recover?  What does the landlord have to disprove to defend against such suits? We'll discuss some of these questions in the next couple of posts.  I hope this is a refreshing dose of some basic legal principles after the sensationalism and base pandering I've employed with a few of my re...
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