What Does A Closing Mean To You? It Means Another Mailing To Me!!
By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
This was today's closing, and there are two more tomorrow. This will be mailed to every condo in this complex and the offering of a "Free Market Analysis" is most important right now. Our inventory is very slim. There is a great demand for fresh listings, and this opportunity for us to be found in each condo owner's mailbox will make my phone ring. Direct mail marketing keeps us in business, and we complement it with online marketing. If you haven't tried direct mail marketing, you may want to select an area in your town and offer a Free Home Evaluation or Market Analysis. It does make your phone ring. ********************************************************* About the Author: Barbara Todaro is an award winning real estate agent with 35 years of experience and is the marketing...