Mortgage Newsletter- June 18th, 2012 Dana Bain Premiere Mortgage 978-422-2311
By Dana Bain
(Premiere Mortgage Services Inc.) Newsletter-June 18th, 2012 Provided by Dana Bain Dana BainPremiere Mortgage Services11 Malvern Hill RoadSterling, MA 01564Phone: (978) 422-2311Fax: (978) 422-2313E-Mail: Market CommentMortgage bond prices finished the week higher, which pushed mortgage interest rates lower. Rates were initially worse to start the week Monday following the euro zone’s $125 billion assistance package announced for Spain’s banks. This reversed some of the flight to quality buying of U.S. debt instruments. Rates bounced back gradually through the week as most of the data showed continued economic weakness. Weekly jobless claims were higher than expected while industrial production, capacity use, and co...