Life can change on a how Permanent Press are you?
By Cheryl Ritchie, Southern Maryland 301-980-7566
(RE/MAX Leading Edge
Life can change on a how Permanent Press are you? I was at the stoplight on the way to a Speed Open House in Deale MD when all of a sudden there was a text message alert. My sorority sister and college friend and fellow Business Degree Hokie from Va Tech, whom I had not seen in a decade , text ed a few words. She was in town, within an hour or so of me, and could we meet and hook up to see "E" our friend with Ovarian Cancer? She was on her way back home to WVa after seeing a Jonas Brothers Concert at Nissan Pavillion with her teenager. Life can change on a how Permanent Press are you? In a matter of split seconds I called her, said yes, let's meet at a place in two hours and let's head to Baltimore to Mercy Hospital to see "E." And could they spend the night so we co...