
Gaithersburg, MD Real Estate News

By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
Real Estate is my passion.  I am one of the lucky ones, I love my job.  It is important to me to help, educate and guide my clients to buy their first home or buy their dream home.  I work this passion daily and it means  a lot to me, but more importantly it must mean a lot to you, the consumer. I want you to have the same passion about finding your home as I do.  I am a very hands on personal REALTOR(R) .  I am all about the experience you will go through when you work with me as your agent.  I am a firm believer in doing a steady business of high quality real estate transactions rather than a high quantity of mediocre transactions.  Most of my clients are friends, or become my friends after the transaction. Your experience is very important to me.  I want you to be very clear and happ...
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By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
Shop mortgage rates…  Shop APR (Annual Percentage Rate)…..  Shop mortgage fees….. So which is it?  Shopping for a mortgage can be very confusing to say the least. I hear so many called experts tell the average consumer to shop APR. This is not the wisest of decisions and can be argued by many mortgage professionals. Let’s add some more confusion. Most of us know what the rate is in regards to mortgages. Let’s define rate and APR.  Rate :  A charge or payment calculated in relation to a particular sum or quantity: interest rates. (from  APR (Annual Percentage Rate) :  Is the cost of your credit expressed as an annual rate. This is a federally required formula, designed to help the borrower compare the cost of credit. The APR rate is different from the note rate of your mortg...
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Homeownership Workshop : First-Time Buyers - No Money Down Make your "Economic Stimulus Check" work for you - Zero money down   Event Info Host: Laura Gray & Associates - RE/MAX Realty Group Type: Education - Workshop Time and Place Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: RE/MAX Realty Group Street: 845 Quince Orchard Blvd, Suite #N City/Town: Gaithersburg, MD   View Map Google MapQuest Microsoft Yahoo Contact Info Phone: 3019212658 Email: Description Make your "Economic Stimulus Check" help you buy the home of your dreams.                                                                       FHA loans with Zero down*                                                       or                                       as little as 2.75% down      ...
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By Thomas Benya
(Century 21 New Millennium)
    We placed a foreclosure on the market last week in Montgomery County, Gaithersburg to be exact, and I'm pleased to announce that the property is already under contract!  From time of listing to time of contract was only 3 days!     This was an exceptional rehab project on Cottage Hill Ct. that was listed for $275,000.  We received multiple offers, and now we're off to get the contract to settlement!  Rehab projects like this are always fun to list because, provided that they are priced right, they see a lot of activity and should be able to sell quickly!     It's obvious from the multiple offers we got that there is a strong interest in the market from investors, and it's good news for the market in general that homes are still moving.     If you're looking to buy a sell a home in ...
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By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
 The other day I headed over to the Costco next to my office.  I like going there about as much as I would like to have every tooth in my head drilled with no Novocaine.  I don't really like it.  Too many people in there for me.  Anyway, when I have to go, I strategically pull into the lot and park way over on the far side of the lot so I can get in and out with relative ease.  When I drove up to the parking lot I noticed a bunch of the shopping carts grouped in a semicircle with that yellow caution tape threaded through the carts.  I parked up from the carts, got out of me car and noticed two Canadian Geese waddling back to towards the carts.  It seems they built their nest there and the employees built a barricade around the nest.  As I stood there and watched them, I watched the mama...
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By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
 Dear Fellow 20878ers, Here are your market stats for the month of March 2008.  Even though some of the numbers are down we still hav 53 pending sales for the month and Days on Market, if priced well, are low.Please let me know if you have any questions in regard to this information.Thanks,Audrey Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, Inc.   ZIP Code Statistics - <$100K to >$5M FormatZIP Code: 20878 Gaithersburg, MD From: 03/01/2008 to 03/31/2008                Statistics generated on: 04/08/2008 ResidentialUnit SalesNumber of Bedrooms Active Listings   Time on Market Price Class 2 Or Less   3 4  or More   CondoCoop GroundRent Residential   CondoCoop GroundRent of Units Sold(No. of Units) Under $100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -30 Days 9 $100,000 - 149,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 31-60 Days 4 $15...
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By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
 Today I was out showing homes and the showing service did not call the seller at one of the homes that I wanted to show.  The seller was a bit surprised but then let us in to see her home.  This reminded me of a story from A few years ago.                                 I was out showing homes to friends of mine.  We were looking in a specific neighborhood for a specific type of home.  I called the listing office to set up the appointment to show the homes in the area.  We get in the car and get the show on the road.  We saw two, they were pretty good, one was a real consideration.  We get to the next home, I knock on the door and say, "hi, I am Audrey June from RE/MAX Realty Group we have an appointment to see your home."The seller practically screams at us and says, "NO you don't.' ...
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By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
Buying your first home, making sound price decisionsWhen you are thinking about buying your first home, it can be intimidating.  All of the questions you have racing through your head.  How much should we spend?  What is it like to apply for a loan?  What will our payment be like?  Then, the fun thoughts; what kind of house will I have?  What you want in a home and how you will fix it up to make it your home.As you look at homes, you may decide that you want to be conservative in the amount of money that you spend when purchasing your first home.  This might not be as financially sound as you may think?  Typically cheaper homes are smaller and you may find that you will grow out of the home quicker than you think?   Five years from now may seem like a long time from now, but it will be ...
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By Audrey June-Forshey, GRI, Gaithersburg, MD
(RE/MAX Realty Services)
 Last week I was thumbing through my new issue of Self Magazine and I thought it was curious that one of the questions to Joy Baur, RD that there might be a link between Grapefruit and breast cancer?  Seems that it is in post menapausal women? Her answer is posted here  and you can read it on  There was a study in The British Journal of Cancer, here is the link to the study Grapefruit and Breast Cancer.  The article has to be purchased, but this is the link if you have interest.  Now, I am in no way giving medical advice, but since 3 of my best friends have all been diagnosed and undergone treatment for breast cancer, it has been a hot button for me.  I just thought it is something that we should ask our doctors about and keep our eyes open and our health at the top of our pri...
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