Smooth Relocating Depends on Thoughtful Preparation
By Roberto Gonzalez, Hagerstown Commercial Real Estate
(RG Realty Inc)
Most everyone with any relocating experience should recognize ‘the moment.’ No matter how much advance thought and elbow grease you’ve put in, that’s the moving day moment when everything seems to starts happening at once, and there’s literally no time left to attend to the stray details you’ve been meaning to take care of … It’s all but inevitable: the yellow pad that you’ve organized with all the Washington County contact information you need today more than any other day: why, it’s packed! and sealed! Inside one of the cartons that’s already out there in the van! When you’re relocating from (or to) Hagerstown, the unplanned will always happen. Nevertheless, you can control the areas that have the most impact on how successful your move will be. One element that needs careful attentio...