The Outhouse 500 & Other Uniquely Odd Current Events...
By Lola Audu, Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
(Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate)
We live in amazing times. Last night as I watched the results come in from "Super Duper Tuesday," I was thinking about how extraordinary what we are witnessing in America is. Even the pundits are stymied. For the first time since looks like the next president will be a Senator.From there the odds become even more fascinating. The four front runners are a middle aged white woman, a young African American man, an elderly white man and white man from a minority religion. Then there's a preacher who seemed to come from nowhere and has NO money who is winning votes because people are willing to work for him for FREE while the white guy who has tons of money and lots of TV ads can't win enough votes to get ahead.I'm a little dismayed with this new science of hair splitting t...