
Howell, MI Real Estate News

By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
OK, I admit it.  I’m a big proponent of shopping local.  I don’t care if you’re from Waterford or Birmingham, Ann Arbor or Brighton – patronize your local shops. A couple of weeks ago, some business owners in Brighton got together and made a video about just that topic. Now we have a great promo video of being in downtown Howell during the Holidays. A lot of video was shot during the Fantasy of Lights Parade (which everybody should see at least once!) and really gives you the feeling of shopping in a downtown area. Big box stores and malls are fine for some things, but don’t forget about the folks who work right there on your Main Street.  They usually do a lot more for your community than the big franchises (sorry, corporate policy doesn’t let us do that) and they really are more a par...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Last year, local radio station WHMI (93.5 FM) in Howell, Michigan, began a program to raise money for Gleaners Food Bank of SE Michigan.  WHMI partners with the Howell Soft Cloth Car Wash for the 12 days prior to Thanksgiving to raise funds.  With Gleaners’ buying power, $1 will feed 1 person for 1 day. Volunteer organizations each take a day and solicit change from the customers at the carwash.  Today is the day that I help out with the rest of the Brighton Optimist Club.  We’ll be on site from 10am to 6pm.  My shift is from noon to 1pm.  WHMI was pleased with the contribution level in 2010, their first year, but hope to do even better this year.  Gleaners of Livingston County cannot meet the needs of the county on their own, and regularly food from other Gleaners locations have to be ...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Livingston County Solid Waste Program has a one-day collection coming up next Saturday, October 29th, from 9am to 2pm.  No appointment is necessary, just bring your old computer equipment, televisions and peripherals, stereos, cameras, fax machines, gaming systems for drop off and proper disposal. The collection is at the County’s East Complex, 2300 E. Grand River (48843) at Chilson. They also accept old cell phones, but drop those off at my office for the ‘Cell Phones For Soldiers’ campaign. We’ve collected over 2500 cell phones so far! This event is free to County residents, and includes small businesses with 10 or fewer employees.  Many hazardous substances can be found in electronics and this proper disposal will keep those contaminants out of landfills where they might filter back ...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
This past Saturday I volunteered at the Howell Conference and Nature Center’s ‘Save The Wildlife’ 5K.  It was a beautiful morning for the runners and walkers, cool and crisp at the start, then sunny and warming as the race concluded.  It was also perfect weather for the volunteers, who sometimes struggle to stay warm without the assistance of generating a little extra body heat via exercise. The 5K course traversed the trails on the property with a decent uphill on both of the first two miles, but the runners had the benefit of a good downhill on the last mile.  It was great to see so many ages participating in the run and walks.  Excellent support, smooth operation of the race and all of the athletes that I spoke with indicated they’ll be back next year. The race staff has really becom...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Matt Ikle, owner of Elite Insurance in Howell, invites the community to a Shred Day event on August 27th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at his agency office, located at 3399 E. Grand River, Suite 201(Across from Home Depot). Anyone who would like to participate may bring along their confidential and personal documents to be shredded by Corrigan Record Management, free of charge from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. There is no charge for this service, but donations will be accepted with all proceeds going to the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation ( The foundation is dedicated to finding the cure for spastic paraplegia as well as providing information and support. If you have confidential documents that are in need of proper disposal, consider this event.  Identity theft is a ma...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
OK, it's not exactly the Woodward Dream Cruise. (For those non-Michiganders out there, the Dream Cruise is a huge car party in Detroit's north suburbs. So large that it's actually the world's largest one day automotive event. Click the link for more info) But the Howell Melon Festival is in its 51st year and is quite a party, all the same.  A wide range of events include the Melon Run with both a 1 Mile, a5K and a 10K, and other funs things like melon dash and melon roll and tot trots. Get a taste of melon ice cream, take a steam locomotive ride, a river boat ride (on Thompson Lake), or perhaps a trolley tour.  Try a taste of melon wine, tour the Howell Historical Museum. Add a Fine Art show, sidewalk sales and some interesting activities like a watermelon seed spitting contest, a bubbl...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Today I went to a Wells Fargo (WF) Real estate Owned (REO) session in Southfield.  There were a few interesting stats that were shared with us. First, (and no surprise to readers of my blog) is that time on the market has dropped dramatically for WF foreclosure listings.  In 2009, the average time on market was 126 days, in 2010 it was 86 days, and so far in 2011 it is 47 days.  WF has only 566 foreclosure homes for sale in Michigan at this time. I thought that was a low number.  Part of it may be due to the fact that their loan modifications are up, and over 80% of loan mods are classified as ‘non-HAMP'. HAMP = Home Affordable Modification Program, run by the U.S. Department of Treasury.  It is the program that's been getting bad press for low success rate in helping consumers. Hmm, hi...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Some home buyers have very specific requirements. Perhaps it's a large kitchen, or a finished basement. Sometimes it's acreage with a pole barn, occasionally it must have an in-ground swimming pool.  One of the most often heard requirements  is for architecture type, and it seems that ranch style is at the top of the list. Of the 270 of homes for sale in the Howell School District right now, there are 90 ranches and only 12 are bank-owned (foreclosures).  They range from a 1969-built manufactured home on deeded land (in Woodland Lake Estates) listed at $9,000 to a $1.8 million home on 204 acres in Cohoctah Township.  The low end home is bank-owned, on a small lot, has two bedrooms and two full baths and is 552 sq ft in size.  It is not mentioned in the listing, but this subdivision has ...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Whether you're a Real Estate Professional or an interested consumer, you've likely noted that the condo market is glutted and has more potential deals than the larger total housing market.  Looking at condominiums that are located in the two Howell, MI zip codes (48843 and 48855) we can see how badly condos are faring in the current economy.  In calendar year 2007, there were 55 condominium sales recorded in the RealComp MLS. They showed an average sales price of $127,756, a median sales price of $120,000, and a total sales volume (total sales dollars for all 55 sales) of $7,026,554.  In 2008 (through 12/14/08), there were 48 sales with an average sales price of $85,543, a median sales price of $82,950 and a total sales volume of $4,106,053. These are tremendous one-year drops in value ...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
For homes in the Howell zip code 48843 (basically the Howell area south of M-59), there are some interesting contrasts between 2007 and 2008. The total number of homes sold are pretty close, 370 in 2007 (through 12/31/07) vs. 378 in 2008 (through 12/4/2008). The fact that the total number of sales has remained pretty constant is a good sign by itself.  With lenders getting tougher on loan requirements, required down payments and more underwriting scrutiny it shows that there are still buyers out there looking for homes - and they're able to buy! If we look at just the foreclosed (also known as bank-owned or REO) homes, the picture is more grim.  In 2007, there were 47 bank-owned home sales of the 370 total, or about 13%.  For 2008, we've seen 115 bank-owned home sales out of the 378 tot...
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By Missy Caulk, Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate
(Missy Caulk TEAM)
Several month ago I listed six vacant lots on Bignal Drive in Howell, Michigan. I am also representing Essex-Home Builders on a property at 6190 Concerto Drive in Saline. So I thought.................... I have a developer with lots and a builder who wants to build, so I put the two of them together and we now have 6 lots with floor plans and elevations to offer people looking for new construction in the Howell, Michigan area. Howell is located in Livingston County. This is the email notifications I send out to people who have registered on one of my web-sites and want to receive new listings. I believe it is difficult for many people to visualize a home on a vacant lot, so hopefully this will give them a picture of great homes to be built on 2 to 5 AC lots in Howell on 0 Bignal Drive b...
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By Teri Thompson
(Global Mortgage Group)
Im a loan officer for Global Mortgage Group in Wixom, Michigan I new to active rain, never heard about it before today one of my wonderful co-workers shared this iformation with me.. I have never done a blog before today.. any suggestions for anyone out there? or does anyone have any pointers to share with me. I have done mortgages on all types of properties, in rural area, horse farms, lake front properties and most all types of lending from FHA, conforming and non conforming..... 
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By Team Campbell
(Keller Williams Realty)
610 E. Washington St.    Listed at:  $81,140 Bank-owned home available "As-is" in the historic district of Howell. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 2040 sq.ft. 1 car garage, large backyard, close to shopping, schools and freeways. Needs lots of TLC. Priced to sell quick! Hurry, this one won't last   View pictures at: contact Team Campbell at Keller Williams Realty 2144 S. State Street Ann Arbor, MI. 48104 734-821-0733 direct e-mail:  
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By Kathy Ulman
(Heritage GMAC Real Estate)
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By Marvelous Mary Novak, CDPE Sells MI Real Estate
(REMAX Platinum)
I have the privilege of waking up to this view every morning!  Lake Chemung is an all-sports lake in Livingston County MI, and it is one of the largest  lakes in the area. We are already seeing boats and jet skis on the lake!  Summer has arrived!  Interested in lake living?  Contact me via my web site below. www.MarvelousMary.comBringing Home Buyers and Sellers Together    This is the evening view I have!  Heaven!
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
Due to the expansion of M-59 to a 4 lane boulevarded roadway, this Park 'n Ride lot will close for good on February 4, 2008. The next nearest lots are at Michigan Ave and I-96, south of the Howell City Limits, and to the east on Old US-23 just north of M-59. The project will also undertake ramp improvements at I-96 and M-59, resurface the road and make drainage improvements. Three bridges over M-59 will be totally replaced. See this link for details.,1607,7-151-9621_11008_45330---,00.html
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By Joel Schmidt, Where a Fresh Approach is Key!
(Re/Max Platinum)
You don't have to travel to Ann Arbor to enjoy live music... The Acoustic Café is taking over The Opera House on Friday in a pilot program bringing music to the venue. New Age guitarist Roy Scoutz kicked things off last Friday.The program, which will offer light refreshments, will be open at 8 p.m. Fridays through Feb. 29 in the lower level of The Opera House in downtown Howell. Cover charge will be $5. Cohoctah Township's Neil Woodward, honored by the state Legislature as Michigan's official troubadour, will take to the stage next Friday.
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
This Saturday, February 2nd is Groundhog Day. Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks, marmots, and even as land beavers and ground squirrels. They are widely distributed in North America, especially in the central and northeastern United States, and can weigh in between 4 and 9 pounds. There's no real relationship between woodchucks and wood. The name is believed to have originated from the Algonquin or Narraganset name for the animal, 'wuchak'.Groundhog Day started in Pennsylvania and New York State as a prediction of how the last half of winter would proceed. If the groundhog comes out of his burrow to see his shadow, he goes back in to sleep for 6 more weeks, indicating a hard end to winter. If he sees no shadow, he remains out, forecasting a mild second half of winter.Punxsutawney ...
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By Robert Smith, SRES, Search for Homes Brighton-Howell-SE Michigan
(Preview Properties, PC -
The Howell Opera House will celebrate its 126th anniversary with a gala event from 8pm till midnight on December 29th. Actually a day early of the true anniversary of December 30th 1881, funds will be used to help with the second floor restoration. Tickets are $85/person ($75 if you're a member) and Livingston Arts Council organizers expect a capacity crowd of 200. Dancing, a silent auction, hors d' oeuvres and tours of the second floor will be on the agenda.The Opera House was closed by the Fire Marshall in 1924 and had been in use as a venue for entertainment, speeches by presidential candidates to high school graduations and even a short stint as Livingston County Circuit Court.The long shuttered second floor (above Gill-Roy's Hardware Store) helped to preserve this gem of a structure.
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By Marvelous Mary Novak, CDPE Sells MI Real Estate
(REMAX Platinum)
  SOMETHING FUN TO DO ON A SNOWY EVENING IN HOWELL, MICHIGAN! Holiday in the Park - Opening Festivities December 7th   The "Holiday in the Park" will create magical memories for those who live in our community as we explore and experience our beautiful city park throughout the entire month of December.  Opening festivities will take place on Friday, December 7th from 6-9 p.m. with Santa Claus, horse-drawn carriage rides and lots of hot chocolate.   The park will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout December.  Carriage rides will be available at our opening festivities and then only on Sunday's thereafter.  Santa will be in his sunroom on the beach from 6:30 - 8 p.m. each evening.  We hope you'll make time this season to enjoy the out-of-doors and get into the holiday spi...
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