Rock Tops Granite Owner Explains Reports of Radon Exposure from Granite Countertops – Macomb, MI
By Charlie Thiede
(Rock Tops Granite)
This has turned out to be a myth; consumers can rest easy as the EPA has no substantial evidence of a health threat from granite countertops Macomb, MI - Reports have been published about granite countertops emitting radioactivity. Some reports have said that even though most granite countertops tested were nothing to be worried about, some have had "hot-spots" that emit levels that can be life threatening. You may even read reports that claim some colors of granite pose more of a threat than others. Another report showed higher test results in exotic granite and recommends that anyone who is concerned should have their granite countertop tested. So, is there a danger of radiation exposure from granite countertops or is this myth? During a recent series of interviews, Charli...