You never know where you'll find "Green" technology...
By Angie Ridley, Broker, ABR, CRS, PMN, WCR, At Home With Diversity
(Complete Realty, LLC)
You never know where you will find "Green" technology. My client and I have viewed a few homes 5-6. We keep going back to the same home. The more we look at the home the more we realize the "green" features. Keep in mind; this is a previous owner occupied home, not "new" construction which makes this more interesting. Rain barrels are used to fill the pool. Rain barrels collect the water from eves. The collected then fills the pool by a hose running from the barrel to the pool. Rain barrels can also assist in preventing water in the basement and flooding yards. For more information please visit: The construction of the pool room was constructed SIP style, structural insulat...