Kitchen Remodeling Experts Recommend Under Mount Sinks to be used with Granite Kitchen Countertops – Chesterfield, MO
By Charlie Thiede
(Rock Tops Granite)
Rock Tops Granite owner, Bob Gasiorowski speaks at a workshop about kitchen remodeling Chesterfield, MO - Home remodeling contractors in Chesterfield gathered for a local workshop event to network and share tips on various remodeling projects. One of the special guests invited to demonstrate a kitchen remodeling tip was Bob Gasiorowski, owner of Rock Tops Granite, a natural stone kitchen countertop fabricating company. Bob's remodeling tip was regarding the sink that goes with a granite kitchen countertop. Bob said, "The under mount sink is perfect with a granite or natural stone countertop. They are very popular with their sleek appeal and clean look. Because they fit under the countertop, you can easily wipe crumbs right into the sink without them becoming caught under the li...