Today We're Having A Some What Nice Weather!
By Cheryl Frei - Realtor® & e-Pro Certified Realtor®
(Elite Realty - Absarokee, Montana and Billings, Montana)
It's not hot but its not cold. Its been raining off and on for the past few days. I'm so ready for some summer. And I am ready for some camping trip soon. I have been getting our camper ready for this summer. I am ready for some fishing and hiking. I am ready for some out door actives. I guess you can see I'm ready for summer. How is the weather for some of you? I'll be honest, I would like some 70 to 80 for a while and then have it cool off with some rain. So I'm so at lost for words these days. I have been busy doing spring cleaning. And planting some flowers in my flower gardens. Now my husband and I are going to get some fire wood for our fireplace. So these days I have been updating my web site and then going to facebook and then trying to see what to write about on my Twitter. So ...