Trains and more Trains -- Glacier National Park
By Liz Flint, Houston\Tomball Realtor (832)816-8066
(Century 21 Hardee-Team Realty)
My husband loves trains. This trip to Glacier National Park we stayed at a Hotel that had train tracks in the back, so we knew when trains were passing. Then we would head out and "chase" the trains. This Amtrak train had left the Izaak Walton Hotel about 30 minutes earlier. I'm sure the views from the train are spectacular of the all the scenery around there. These two Burlington Northern Sante Fe engines are passing under a pedestrian walkway, I think it is the one from the Izaak Walton Hotel. Sorry, this one is a little blurry. The Izaak Walton Hotel is converting this engine into living quarters. It should be ready to rent by November. You can contact the Hotel for rates. They also have cabooses you can rent to sleep in. Call me when you are ready to buy, sell or build in t...