Would Someone Please Come and Get Your Goats?
By Wanda Thomas, Billings Montana Real Estate
(Montana Homestead Brokers, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR, RN)
Having enjoyed Karen Anne's post about "What Do You Do When Someone Get's Your Goat" my ears just perked up when a video appeared on the local news channel KULR 8 in Billings Montana tonight about 2 goats that had stranded themselves on a railroad trestle, high above the highway. North of Billings in the Bull Mountains is the new Signal Peak Mine, which is a brand new high grade coal mine. A new railroad was built to transport the coal from the mine to the nearest railroad junction. 2 Goats found themselves stranded high, and I do mean high, above the highway for 2 days. The Billings Gazette provided some pictures on their website of the goats and their rescue operation. I don't have permission to copy the pictures, but if you link to them I think you will be impressed with the predi...