
Southport, NC Real Estate News

By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
September 22, 2009 Dear AR Member, These are the Foreclosures that our company is selling for this week.Ginger Harpergingerharper@seacoastrealty.com800-346-7671 Ex 1079 or 910-798-1079View ListingsProvided by:Ginger Harper Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty 4911 Long Beach Road, SESouthport, NC 28461Local: 910-798-1079 Addle Ofc: 800-346-7671 Cellular: 910-470-6713 There are some real deals here... Call me if you see something of interest. Ginger of Brunswick County
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
We find that upon waking this morning, that it feels like fall... High tide in the marsh,  butterflies flitting around the Lantana, Ibis and Gulls flying overhead.  Such a lovely site to behold. I feel Blessed to live in such a wonderful location along the beaches of North Carolina. Come on to see us when you find yourselves in need of a get a way... Have a glorious day,   Ginger Of Beaver Dam Creek,
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Today I attended a short sale seminar that I found to be very informative and productive. Short sales are an animal of a different breed. I learned much that would have helped me in the short  sale that  I am working on now.  Please, if you are involved with on...find out if the sellers have declared bankruptcy!  That can blow the whole deal if they have. I am learning that the hard way. Ginger of Sea Coast Realty~Southport NC
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 It is hard to believe what happened to "Us" a Nation 8 years ago today.  The tragedy of it all.  Innocent folks killed as they were.  We can not forget what happened and need to insure that it can never happen again..  Every generation has given up something to keep our Nation free... I ask myself, even now, what can I do to make this a stronger Country...   Ginger Harper
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
      Remembering 911.  What horrifying time  in our lives.  We were just finishing up our sales meeting when the secretary shouted, " you will never believe what just happened"..we then turned on the TV and  watched the 2nd plane fly into the 2nd World Trade Center Tower..WE sat there watching this terrible history of our Nation unfold before our eyes.. Do you remember what you were doing when this happened?
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
It is so good to get up in the morning and feel the chrispness of the air.  Getting ready for blanket time on the dock.  Fishing is getting better also.  Our Son caught a 26 inch Puppy Drum over the weekend and it fed 6 of us for dinner. (along with a few shrimp and cole slaw) Hope your days are wonderful..   Ginger
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
We have had a great time t oday... The first thing that we did was to pick grapes this morning. Next we fixed a large meal for everyone to enjoy.. Roast Beaf, rice and gravy, peas, corn, butterbeans, biscuits, jelly and butter, eggplant and onions, candied tea. Home chocolate cookies... by Granddaughter Katheen Then tonight.... We are making the jelly from the grapes we picked this morning...   Wonderful day on Beaver Dam Creek
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 To Every Fellow American!  YOU MAY HAVE SEEN THIS BEFORE BUT I WISH IT COULD BE SHOWN IN EVERY SCHOOL IN OUR NATION EVERYDAY.  IT'S WORTH THE REPEAT EVEN IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE.   RedSkeltonPledge.wmv (3366KB) This is just too good not to share with you. Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
This is awesome...If you like Pacabel..  This will take you somewhere else in your mind..   Click here: YouTube - Extraordinary Pantene Commercial   I do not share these a lot but this was so very good.  Take a minute and enjoy. Pacabel is one of my favorite composers..Take the time to enjoy this.  It is truly worth it. With warm regards,   Ginger Harper of Southport ~ North Carolina
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
I have been on the phone with the Short Sale Department for over 2 hours in trying to resolve a short sale payoff figure. Has anyone else had to deal with a situation like this.  I am about ready to pull my hair out.  I have been on the phone with them almost daily since July 22, 2009.  I think that we can work this out...I just need to speak with someone who is in control. Help.   Ginger Harper
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Good Morning, I am spending much of the morning getting paperwork in order from the business that I generated from last nights CALL NIGHT.  We had 14 agents participating fropm 6: to 7: and made 23 appointments to either list or sell property.  I think that is a pretty good nights work. Have you all done it yet?  Try it will like it. Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 AMAZING...absolutely AMAZING!!  The "Miracles" of Computers!! The painting itself is great but as you run your curser over the people it tells you who they are ... BUT .... (click on a person) and you obtain their life history. Fascinating!........................  CLICK HERE This was too good not to share.  I was amazed.. Enjoy Ginger of Southport
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(Intracoastal Realty Corp)
  Nations Next Top Model Home - set in the Brunswick county's new subdivison - Compass Pointe is coming to a conclusion. Tomorrow night the 7 designers from all over the country will put down their paintbrushes to signal completion of their home designing competition. The designers were recruited to design a new model home at Compass Pointe. Each was given a budget of $ 5000. and had to paint, and purchase furniture and accessories to decorate their floorplan. The progress of the designers was videoed on a blog each Monday night. There were competitions for who was to pick their favorite house to design. Each designer also blogged about what kind of projects they were working on in the house. These homes will be available on Saturday and Sunday at Compass Pointe for people to view. The...
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(Intracoastal Realty Corp)
  Coastal Living magazine has chosen a home in Historic Southport to be its 2009 Idea House. Public tours of the home will begin Sept. 3 and run through Nov. 29. The house is in Seawatch at Sunset Harbor, a 3,000-acre waterfront community 30 miles south of Wilmington. Tour hours are noon- 5 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Group appointments are available.Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit the Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina.The original Cape-style house is built on a bluff overlooking the tidal waters of Mercer Mill Creek and nature preserve.Coastal Living Idea Houses celebrate the best in coastal home innovation, decor, and construction and are built in coastal communities selected by the magazine for environmental consciousness and sensitivity to shoreline preservation.The hom...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  I have a friend that shared this with me.  I think you will find it interesting.  To measure your job compensation to the closest match in the database, just click on the link below.  You will be asked to give your job title and loction. Try it.  I was amazed.. New Report page Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Social Media Slip Ups.. With corporations making an effort to be more visible in the social media space, the term social media résumé suddenly has a new significance for employees and potential employees. With so much competition for each job opening, employees need to be careful about how they present themselves online. For potential employees, be aware that Human Resource departments do visit your social media sites when considering you for a job - and not just LinkedIn® - all of them. They're browsing through your photos, your blogs, your updates, your Tweets, so make sure that anything available to them is something that you would be willing to share or discuss in an interview. For current employees, more and more stories are being reported about workers being fired by their compa...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Activerain is for us realtors...but we can get to know each other better by going to facebook.   Would love for you to stop in for a visit. Ginger Harper
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
I had not been introduced to the FORD system of prospecting until today.  Have you heard of it? F   Stands for Family O  Stands for Occupation R  Stands for Recreation D Stands for Dreams   It is a system for prospecting people that you know.   It begins with you telling them "who you are and then is followed by The F.O.R.D. questions. Think I am going to try it. Ginger Harper
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
It has been a long day. Lots of good things happened.  We had rain...Much needed rain for our garden.  We are still getting tomatoes, green peppers,  banana peppers, star-ship squash, cantaloupe,  and peas.  We have thus planted the fall garden with cucumber, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.  This fall we  will  reap the benefits  of thsi season, Our goal is to put as many veggies on our Thanksgiving Table of things we grew in our garden. We usually feel aobut 25 folks.   Good evening to you too. Ginger
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