
Minot, ND Real Estate News

By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Okay, you've got just over two weeks to start gathering together all that stuff you never should have collected in the first place.Get it together and get rid of it at the Minot Public Works building on the East side of Minot, 1025 31st Street SE.I know I've got all this paint to get rid of as well as a couple of old batteries, old computers, and lots of cleaning supplies.I've taken advantage of this clean-up day and it's so easy. You just drive into the big maintenance building and they even remove it from your vehicle for you.I'm looking forward to gaining some space in my garage and basement.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Stephanie Baze is the General Manager of the Clarion Hotel & Convention Center in Minot North Dakota and I learned a lot about my neighbor in this interview. I live about a half a mile from the Clarion and never knew it is the largest convention center in the State of North Dakota that is attached to a hotel. I also learned that I need to get 19 of my friends together and go order prime rib at the Clarion. Here is todays radio broadcast of Minot Today on KHRT AM and FM radio. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The circus is coming to town. Every one, especially every child, should see the circus at least once. The Shrine Circus is all about children. It's all about bringing some fun and excitement into children's lives (children from 3 to 103 years old). The proceeds from the Shrine Circus also benefit children by supporting the Shriners' Children's Hospitals. I don't remember how old my children were the first time I took them to the Shrine Circus but I remember how excited they were and that I had to spring for an optional picture of them riding on an elephant (wish I could find that pic for you now). Since the original visit I believe they have been there at least two additional times. I believe there are arrangements available for those who can not afford to take their children so if that...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I knew the day was coming but it's still super disappointing to actually see the buildings of the Ward County Historical Society's Pioneer Village up on blocks and ready to move off of the premises.In my personal and not at all humble opinion this move is a bad move for everyone involved.1) The public: Instead of the convenient location on the State Fair Grounds they will have to visit the Pioneer Village in Burlington ND. The spot in Burlington is on barren land, no comparison to the nice wooded area on the Fair Grounds. Honestly, we only went to the Pioneer Village during the fair so it may be a long time before we visit it in the new location.2) The Ward County Historical Society will certainly loose visitors for all the reasons I stated above. I think the president of the WCHS did a...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
DISMALNobody likes to be the bearer of bad news but that one word, dismal, is the way to summarize the Minot Area Chamber of Commerce report labeled "Economy at a Glance" released this month (April 2019).No longer being part of the Minot MLS I could only judge by what I could see around me until I received a copy of this quarters "Economy at a Glance". I recently described our market as sluggish when asked in the Q & A section of the Active Rain Real Estate blogging site. I may have been more accurate to say comatose.There are a few bright spots about the Minot ND economy but Real Estate new construction is not one that I'd describe as bright. Here are some amazing numbers that drive home the point. Keep in mind that Minot is a city of approximately 50,000 people.Building Permits   As R...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Yesterday morning I interviewed Chad Vogel for my Minot Today radio broadcast (posted right here) and before going on the air Chad said he would like to get into blogging. Please welcome here to Active Rain!He has not had a chance to post yet but if you would "follow" him I'd consider it a personal favor.If you listen to our interview you will see Chad knows his stuff and will be a great source of knowledge for all of us when we have a question about mortgage lending.Thanks in advance for welcoming Chad.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Incredibly low interest rates and builders who have had two slow years in a row means this is the perfect time to build, renovate, or refi!Chad Vogel, Regional Manager, Sr. Mortgage Banker for Bremer Bank in Minot gives us the BIG picture about todays super low rates. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic. 
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The entertainment line-up for North America's largest Scandinavian festival, The Norsk Hostfest, has been announced. This four day festival is a great party even if you are like me (no Scandinavian blood in me that I know of).Many of the people who attend also camp at the ND State Fairgrounds where the event is held.This is a huge event that draws people from all over the world including Scandinavian Royalty.Besides the entertainers to the left there are several free stages with top notch entertainers preforming daily.As you can see the event is still several months away so you have plenty of time to plan a trip to Minot ND and attend the largest Scandinavian Festival in North America and the good news is we rarely have snow at that time (we usually don't have snow until November) and i...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Last night I attended the play HONEYMOON IN MINOT. This is/was the play produced by Dan Fagan whom I interviewed on Minot Today, my radio broadcast.I attended the third and final night. I believe all 3 nights were sell outs!It was very funny and had my 17 year old son laughing out loud many times which I'm not sure I've ever seen before. I certainly give it a big thumbs up!It had a lot of local content in it so I'm not sure if it will make Broadway but I'm sure it will play around these parts off and on for many years. Dan did a great job of writing and the actors all preformed flawlessly. It was a treat to know one of the actors as well as having gotten to know Dan Fagan through our radio interview. If you would like to hear the 15 minute interview it was posted right here on Active Ra...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
My friend Gene owns The Downtown Mall, a large collectibles shop that is packed full of treasures. He spends a lot of time in TX during the winters and I'm always excited to see what he brings back. Here are a few of the new treasures.  This little peddle car was Gene's favorite purchase. He also scored a firetruck of the same vintage but not in quite as good of shape.    The tall blue vase was a find as was the lamp (I cut off the top).The horn in the middle was worn by fireman walking on patrol and if he saw a fire he would blow it. It could be heard for up to 15 blocks away to call other fire fighters. The brass nozzle on the left was a fire fighting nozzle. Gene scored two of those on this trip.Gene picked up a bundle of unfolded Falstaff boxes. He folded this one up for display. Co...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
I have been meaning to make this blog post for some time as I am very appreciative of the service our local Record Store provides and what better time to do it then on National Record Store Day.Our store, Budget Music & Video is located right downtown in Minot. Easy to find, easy to shop.I myself spend most of my time in the used vinyl area looking for records of my youth. I have owned as many as 2,000 LP's over my lifetime. Regretfully all was lost in 2011 during the flood that destroyed my home but now I am back up to about 300 LP's, 50 tapes, and 100 CD's. Much of my collection has come from Budget Tapes & Music in Minot.Here are a few pictures giving you a view of a bit of what they have. Don't be fooled, they have far more inventory then what you see here.   Although Budget Music i...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
One of the "Hats" I wear is Account Executive for KHRT Radio and now is the perfect time to give you a market update. Our niche in the radio broadcasting market is that we are a family friendly Christian radio station. You can't get much more "niche" then that these days.Now because we just completed our Spring Sharathon, a fundraiser designed to assist KHRT AM and FM in meeting it's financial obligations. We have less advertisers then most radio stations because we will not run ads that promote alcohol, tobacco, or gambling. We are a Christian, family friendly radio station.As you can see from the maps below KHRT has a very good international reach. When I answer phones for the Sharaton, as I did over the past 8 days, it's fun to talk to people from the entire broadcast area and someti...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
It was fun to see my old Broker and friend, Mr. Earl Allen, on the front page (above the fold) of The Minot Daily News this morning.I was going to call one of his daughters, Dee Ann Allen to see if she would be up here from FL for Earl's Birthday. I've been out of touch for a couple of years now due to the antics of his evil stepson whom in my opinion absconded with Earl's fortune and stuck Earl in a nursing home.I can't say for sure I will be there being the creepy stepson is a host and the sight of him makes me want to puke BUT I certainly am very happy for Earl and I will celebrate his 99 years on Earth. BTW Earl's daughter Dee Ann was the original Wriggles Doublemint Gum girl and has been and interior designer in NC for many years.Earl was a Real Estate genius and I was very fortuna...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Christmas is most well know for disrupting schedules but let's not forget Holy Week as well. To many Christians Easter is far more important than Christmas. Every person we know has been born but only one has risen from the dead.This evening was the final Wednesday night Lenten service and thus next week will be Holy week. The church we attend is Our Saviors Lutheran Church - MS and we offer a Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 PM. A Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM and four Easter Services.6:30 AM Sunrise Service8:15 AM Traditional Worship with Communion9:30 AM Traditional Worship11:00 AM Contemporary WorshipEASTER BREAKFAST served from 7:30 to 11:00 AM  
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Actor, Playwright, Dan Fagan visits with Minot Today on KHRT Radio about the World Premier of HONEYMOON IN MINOT. Mark my words, Dan Fagan is due to be a household name as a playwright and producer. This weekend, April 11th - 13th, is the premier of HONEYMOON IN MINOT at the Alshire Theater in Hartnet Hall of Minot State University. You don't want to miss this play! Call MSU for tickets and you too can say you were there when Dan Fagans career exploded into a national phenomenon. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find it on 106.9 FM at 12:15 (Noonish) and again at 4:45 on 1320 AM. Of course I always post the broadcast as a Podcast here as well as my Podcast site at Pod-O-Matic.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Currently Minot ND only has one place to recycle and Minot does not have a curb side recycling program. Kalix recycles many items but it is far from comprehensive and it's location is not very convenient for much of Minot.Although I am not a "save the earth" type of person I do like to be a good steward of God's gift below our feet. I take all our paper to Kalix. They accept all kinds of paper and cardboard. Our church takes aluminum cans some where and the money they collect from that goes to a fund to help pay for youth outings.It's a shame that a City the size of Minot does not have a curb side recycling program. It's like money sailing away and down the drain. Besides the money that could be gained there is also the money lost due to our landfill filling up before it's time (which i...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
What is the current housing market in Minot North Dakota?Minot has seen a very turbulent market ever since the oil boom of 2009 and what many people consider the bust of 2015. I myself am eager to see what happens later this spring. Western ND cities like Williston and Watford City have been experiencing crazy growth do to high oil production over the last 12 to 18 months BUT it has not hit here just 100 miles to the East like it did in 2009.The Google map above is of North Dakota and what I perceive to be the hottest spot in North Dakota oil production at this time would include Williston and Watford City on the West and upper central part of the map.During the peek of the boom Minot was clearly over built when it came to retail spaces, apartments, hotel/motels, condos, and single fami...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Talk about FUN! That's exactly what Savanna and I do (we talk about fun). Just talking to Savanna was a lot of fun. I think it's great that Collegiate Baseball is back in Minot for another year. As a neighbor to Corbett Field I can tell you that it used to be that I'd see about 20 people in the seats at Corbett field UNTIL The Sabre Dogs showed up. Now when the dogs play it's not unusual to see 1,000 people in the stands. What a thrill to see our Historic ball park come back to life! This is the kind of thrill our parents and grand parts got many years ago in Minot ND. This is FAMILY fun! It may be hard to believe but Corbett Field has become "Thee" hot spot for teen as well as the whole family for the summer. Minot Today is broadcast over two radio stations every Friday. You can find i...
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Today is the day I start a week answering the phone for our Spring fundraiser to help keep Christian radio on the air. Most of you know it's truly a labor of love for me to do this. If you want to make a one time pledge of $10.00 or more to help out give me a call (701) 852-3789.So WHY do we have a Spring and Fall Sharathon? We are a FAMILY friendly radio station and as such we do not accept advertising from liquor or gambling establishments. If we did accept advertising from those sources we could increase our income by approximently by 20%. Instead we ask our listeners to partner with us to make up for the short fall.I'd love to tell KHRT listeners that an out of State friend of mine called in to throw $10.00 of support for Christian radio in Minot ND.
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By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
The North Dakota State Fair has set it's line up for this summers BIG event. I LOVE the fact that the North Dakota State Fair is held every year less then a mile away from my home. I love the excitement it brings. Here are the 2019 headliners.I live close enough I don't have to pay to hear these acts but of course seeing them is another story. There is a fair chance I'll go see Rick Springfiedls, Eddie Money, & Greg Kihn. Heck! I didn't even know Rick and Eddie were still alive.
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