Coffee, smelling it is Not experiencing it.
By Bob "RealMan" Timm, Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
(Ward County Notary Services)
Interesting cartoon being the author has never had a cup of coffee in his life. I used to drink two pots a day but now a days I limit myself to six cups and usually stop at four cups. "You get to smell it and drink it" says one or both of Joe's pet guinea pigs. Ponder that as Michael Jacobs might say.As advanced as MLS & website listings have become there is nothing that takes the place of visiting a property in person. I have seen several posts in the last few days encouraging Buyers to research the neighborhood and the community. You can do these things on line and even look down neighborhood street via Google maps BUT nothing trumps driving to the location and physically walking through the house and the neighborhood. If you have children actually visit the school they will atten...