
Finderne, NJ Real Estate News

By Jane Nicastro-Disch Warren NJ, NJ Estates Real Estate Group of Weichert Realtors
(Weichert Realtors)
The United States Department of the Interior, through the National Park Service, issued a Determination of Eligibility Notification dated 1/04/2010 declaring that Nantucket Sound, State of Massachusetts, is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places following the opinion of the State Historic Preservation Officer and signed by C. Shull, Keeper of the National Register. According to the Keeper, the area is eligible for protection under criteria A, B, C and D; i.e., due to its cultural, archeological and historical values. The request for determination was submitted on November 18, 2009 by the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the United States Department of Interior as part of MMS' procedures to grant a permit to build an offshore wind farm power plant in Nantucket Sound gi...
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By Jane Nicastro-Disch Warren NJ, NJ Estates Real Estate Group of Weichert Realtors
(Weichert Realtors)
Wholesaling or flipping real estate should be the buzz-word of investing in real estate this year. With the number of distressed and foreclosed properties climbing through the roof, small real estate investors have plenty of opportunities to make quick profit in the current market. And the opportunities for money making are bounded only by the investor's motivation and willingness to work hard in order to find the right properties and to close the deals with prospective buyers.   Given that wholesaling houses does not require putting money down or taking property ownership, risks about losing money in this business venture are almost none. All that needs to be done is to locate the property, put the property under contract with a contingency, and then assign the contract to another buye...
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