
Annapolis County, NS Real Estate News

By Ashley Marlin
(Exit Realty Inter Lake)
  I wanted to thank everyone for their advice Funny thing happened when my clients decided that wanted to terminate the transaction. Informed the other realtor that my clients had had enough and she called me right back saying the buyers were willing to extend the closing.  I guess they needed to realize that we were done being pushed around. Now all we have to do is finalize a right of way. Ashley Marlin, Exit Realty Inter Lake
Comments 2
By Ashley Marlin
(Exit Realty Inter Lake)
  I'm in a bit of a connundrum today.  I have this beautiful property listed in Cherryfield NS with just over 57 acres of land.  I was under the impression that the couple who are in the process of purchasing it really wanted to property.  We have had a few complications main ones being winter, a right of way, and agreeing on the final closing.  The buyers are now willing to walk instead of agreeing to an extension of three weeks so we can get everything done for them. I'm sure everyone has had more complicated deals than this but I was hoping to get some advice on how the best handle this.  Ashley Marlin, Exit Realty Inter Lake
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