The Gift of Home and Hearth
By J. Philip Faranda, Associate Broker / Office Manager
(Howard Hanna Rand Realty)
48 powerless hours and two chilly nights where the temperature in our home hit the 40's can affect a guy. Like many people who lost power in the worst October snowstorm ever to hit Westchester County, we had to "camp" a little in our home, getting acclimated with flashlights, candles, sleeping bags and fireplaces. Two powerless nights were rough in different ways; the first night was out of routine for the children, especially Gregory, who is on the spectrum for autism. The second night was better for the kids, even a bit more fun, but virtually sleepless for me, because it was bloody cold and I was constantly feeding the fireplace every 90 minutes for some ambient heat. With the lights out in our neighborhood that long, we decided that even after power returned that the kids should tr...