
Lake Placid, NY Real Estate News

By Christopher Ohlsen
(Credit Werx, LLC.)
I just got a referral around 10 minutes ago from a Realtor in Lake Placid. I work with a few Realtors out there so I am not sure which Realtor sent him. He was not sure because his wife had been dealing with most of this stuff. I will have to find out so that I can return the favor.I've been talking about this alot on here but at the risk of sounding repetitive I will comment on it again. It is so great to work with other professionals so that you have a place to send your self generated leads and it is nice to sit back and answer the phone calmly, professionally, and politely rather than to feverishly "dial for dollars" until your fingers are numb.My business is great. I help people who want to be helped and leave people alone who want to be left alone. Believe me there are plenty of p...
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