
Lincolnton, NY Real Estate News

By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Have you ever found out about a good thing just after you bought something else? It happens more than you might think. Lenders who do the 203k loan might do well to contact people who recently purchased their new home and see if it needs work. If you refinance a recent purchase within six months of that purchase all the money you put down on the original purchase will be considered as money you have in the deal and that can easily mean your client can refi with no additional money down and get the money to rehab the property in the mix. Maybe you sold a home recently that you really didn't want to as it was in pretty bad condition. Now you have a "do over" you can let that buyer know about the FHA 203k and get them the money to make those renovations.  Do you know an investor who wants ...
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