DECONSTRUCTING SGT. PEPPER: Things You Didn't Know About The Beatles
By Joanna Cohlan, Designing, Decorating & Staging Westchester Homes
(Fresh Eyes For Your Home)
One of the most famous sentences in rock 'n' roll history came forth in 1968 from the typewriter of a critic named Langdon Winner. Winner wrote: The closest Western Civilization has come to unity since the Congress of Vienna in 1815 was the week the Sgt. Pepper album was released. At the time, I happened to be driving across country on Interstate 80. In each city where I stopped for gas or food - Larmaie, Ogallala, Moline, South Bend - the melodies wafted in from some far-off transistor radio or portable hi-fi. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard. For a brief while the irreparably fragmented consciousness of the West was unified, at least in the minds of the young. Tonite I attended a lecture, at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, NY, given by Scott Freiman, wh...