5 reasons that hardwood flooring is so popular in Westchester NY
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
Hardwood flooring is the preferred choice for Westchester NY and it continues to grow in popularity. We get so many requests for hardwood flooring - either to add new hardwood floors or to refinish the hardwood floors that are underneath the carpet. In case you hadn't heard... hardwood is in style. Here's why hardwood floors are so popular. 1. Hardwood floors are stylish and timeless. Everyone loves the authentic look and feel of hardwood floors. They are naturally beautiful and they give a home a nice warm feeling. Hardwood comes in many colors and styles from a rustic distressed look to a traditional to contemporary modern. You, can make them light or stain them dark brown or anywhere in between. Nothing beats the natural look of hardwood and when you have the same hardwood flooring...