
Sea Cliff, NY Real Estate News

By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Date: Tuesday, June, 20th, 2023Time: 7 PM - 8 PM (eastern time)Location: ZOOM (Online)Facilitator: Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert To register and receive the official ZOOM link, please email: rosa@seaclifflibrary.orgEvent Description: Join Certified Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano and explore how your home and surroundings can affect your mindset, emotions, behavior, and overall health. Learn how to combine the principles of Feng Shui and intuitive thinking to create powerful practical solutions to cultivate peace and harmony in your home.FREE to attend! Sponsored by the Sea Cliff Library!
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
  By making simple shifts in the presentation of your space you can consciously and sub-consciously enhance the most important areas of your life. In other words, where attention goes, energy flows. These workshops will teach you how your daily interactions with your home, work and everyday surroundings can effect your mood, mental state of thinking, physical patterns of behavior, health, and spiritual well-being. Feng Shui can be used to enhance your career, finances, relationships and more. Students are asked to bring in a simple sketch of their floor plan for a mini Feng Shui consultation of their own space.  Presented by: Laura Cerrano - Certified Feng Shui Expert   Date: August 8th, 2016Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pmLocation: Sea Cliff Adult Library, 300 Sea Cliff Ave, Sea Cliff, NYFREE pu...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
By making simple shifts in the presentation of your space you can consciously and sub-consciously enhance the most important areas of your life. In other words, where attention goes, energy flows. These workshops will teach you how your daily interactions with your home, work and everyday surroundings can effect your mood, mental state of thinking, physical patterns of behavior, health, and spiritual well-being. Feng Shui can be used to enhance your career, finances, relationships and more. Students are asked to bring in a simple sketch of their floor plan for a mini Feng Shui consultation of their own space.  Presented by: Laura Cerrano - Certified Feng Shui Expert   Date: August 8th, 2016Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pmLocation: Sea Cliff Adult Library, 300 Sea Cliff Ave, Sea Cliff, NYFREE publ...
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By Ellen Caruso
(Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty)
For those of you who remember my friend Anna, Art in Motion and have given her support, here is her recent update on what she's been up to. To see more of her story please see my origional blog where she's commented numerously and has shared her personal story, invoving her family, her health issues, her past...and much more. Anna, Art in Motion! Sea Cliff NY I have bolded the main points below for a faster read. Hi Ellen, I am so very thrilled and proud to share with everyone all of the blessings that have evolved from my inspirational daily walk and to continue to express my deepest love and gratitude for such positive support and energy that keeps me going!! I will list the most interesting honors, awards, and projects that have been keeping me busy, drawing even more attention and r...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Explore Sea Cliff Long Island with Laura Cerrano Feng Shui LI Consultant Welcome to Sea Cliff New York, that runs along the North Shore of Long Island NY. In October 1883, Sea Cliff became an incorporated village--one of the first in the state. Some other interesting facts about Sea cliff :).... It is the home of Robert's American Gourmet Food, producer of the snack for Pirates Booty, one of Ms. Cerrano's favorites snacks :) Sea Cliff is also home to past resident Natalie Portman. Visiting Sea Cliff NY is very nice, especially during the summer because it's like taking a trip to one of the classic towns located in up State New York. The homes and businesses have Victorian styled designs to them. You can visit the Sea Cliff Museum so that you may gather a greater insight to this Long isl...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Name that Photo  answer by Laura Cerrano LI Feng Shui consultant So far William Johnson is the closest to guessing "name that photo."  why you may ask? Because he has captured the spiritually of this object in the photo.  He says, "Tree of Life." Sooo close, and yet correct ;) Here is the break down to "name that photo." Original photo outline of the abstract art work It's a replication of Buddha, who comes in many forms :) Buddha represents the "tree of life" ;) Buddha has also gone green because the artist made the statue out of all recycled material 1st post for "name that photo"   Feng Shui Long Island NY in New York Feng Shui Long Island Fan Page on Facebook *Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Consultant since graduating from the Country's very first School for Feng S...
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By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Name that Photo by Laura Cerrano Feng Shui LI consultant People are so creative :) While exploring Sea Cliff New York, Laura Cerrano Long Island NY feng Shui consultant came across some intresting views. See if you can name what you see in this photo.  She will give you a hint, it is abstract, but it is something ;) below is a close up of what this thing is made of...very intresting :) happy guessing :)   Feng Shui Long Island NY in New York  Feng Shui Long Island Fan Page on Facebook *Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Consultant since graduating from the Country's very first School for Feng Shui Studies that was licensed and accredited in 1997. Carole provides on site Feng Shui Consultations Long Island NY, Queens New York and New York City -Hamptons NY.     Feng Shui Ma...
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By Pat Moser
(Richard B. Arnold Real Estate)
As I mentioned in my profile, I live in Sea Cliff NY.  A one-square mile village which was incorporated in 1883.  I love living in this village, even though I have only been here 3 years!  Talk about being a newbie!  I am originally from Flushing/Bayside New York.  I have to say, that this town really has captured my heart.  I knew this was the place for my children to grow up when I kept meeting young couples with small children who were originally from Sea Cliff and had recently returned to do the same; raise their families here too!What else could anyone want??  This village is situated along the water in Nassau County on the North Shore of Long Island "The Gold Coast". You have breathtaking views of Hempstead Harbor, Long Island Sound and both New York and Connecticut shorelines.  I...
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Sea Cliff, NY Real Estate Professionals