Open Heart Surgery, My Story
By Kenneth Cole, NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
(Weichert Realtors Appleseed Group, 2043 Richmond Ave. S.I.N.Y. 10314. office phone 718-698-9797, -)
Open Heart Surgery, My StoryWhere do I start? First let me say that I'm writing this for only one reason, information for anyone experiencing symptoms that might be related to heart disease, to give you hope and courage so that you take whatever steps are needed for your good health. Doing nothing is not the answer.Twenty years ago, my doctor told me during a routine exam, that I had a heart mummer. I was referred to a Cardiologist, and he told me that in ten years or so I might need surgery to replace my Mitral Valve. Well, the time has come. Tests and my deteriorating condition confirm surgery is needed. So many questions, where do I find some answers, what are other people saying about their surgery, what hospital do I go to, what doctor shall I go to, pain after surgery, fear ab...