When is the best time to check for termites?
By Kenneth Cole, NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
(Weichert Realtors Appleseed Group, 2043 Richmond Ave. S.I.N.Y. 10314. office phone 718-698-9797, Appleseedhomes.com -)
When is the best time to check for termites? If you live in the New York City area, the answer is NOW! Take a look around the the outside of your house. Turn over any rocks, tree limbs or planters in pots and take a look at what's underneath. If you see anything like the photo below, you have termites outside. Take a good look at the guy with the wings bottom right. That's what you will see when they swarm. May is the month for this. Now don't get upset, as long as they don't get inside your house you're OK. For the inside inspection, best to call an expert. Every spring I sprinkle this insect killer around my house. Folks, other insects like carpenter ants also can do a lot of damage. Always best to get a pro to look at your investment.